State Unemployment Insurance Worksheet Summary

The last section of the State Unemployment Insurance Worksheet displays quarter-to-date and year-to-date summary information. If you include information for the current accounting period in the report, the summary section also summarizes that information.

Summary Contents

The summary section of the worksheet contains the following:

  • Total payments for services of employees — All employee compensation, including all 401(k) and 125/Cafeteria amounts.

  • Exclusions — The total of excluded amounts. You specify the exclusions in the Exclusions group box on the General tab.

  • Total payments less exclusionsTotal payments for services of employees - Exclusions.

  • Payments for services of more than <wage base> on a YTD basisTotal payments less exclusions - Annual wage base.

  • Total taxable wagesTotal payments less exclusions, or Total payments less exclusions - Payments for services of more than <wage base> on a YTD basis (if Total payments less exclusions exceeds the wage base).

  • Gross tax (@%)Total taxable wages x (Tax percentage / 100).