Tax Analysis Report

Use the Tax Analysis report to review purchases, sales, and associated taxes.

You can also use this report to review originating vendor tax entries for employee expenses, A/P vouchers, and A/P disbursements.

This report is available only if you select the Enable Tax Auditing Feature check box on the Tax Auditing tab in Configuration > Accounting > Company Settings.

Leading Zeros in Invoice Numbers, Voucher Numbers

If your firm uses leading zeros in invoice numbers but you do not want to display the zeros on this report, clear the Display invoice leading zeros option on the General tab of the Accounting System Settings form.

Cash-Basis Reporting

You can generate the cash-basis version of this report only if the Cash-Basis Reporting check box is selected on the Reporting tab in Configuration > Accounting > System Settings.

Retainage Invoices

This report shows retainage invoices that include tax amounts. Because the retainage invoice number is the same as the number of the original invoice from which it was withheld, Vision displays Retainage Billing in the Description column to identify the retainage invoices.

The report does not show retainage invoices for which no taxes are due.


If you are using the Multicompany feature, only information for the active company is included in this report.

As a result, if you have projects for which lower levels in the work breakdown structure belong to companies other than the company that owns the project, billing transactions associated with those levels will not appear on this report when you generate it for the company that owns the project. To see those transactions, generate the report for the company to which the lower work breakdown structure level belongs.


If you use the Multicurrency feature, you have the option to have the report display net amounts, tax basis amounts, and tax amounts in any of the following currency types:

  • Transaction currency — If you choose to use transaction currency, you also indicate if you want to include all currencies or only selected currencies. Vision then limits the transactions on the report to those with the specified transaction currencies.
  • Functional currency — If you choose to use functional currency, the report displays the amounts in the functional currency of the active company.
  • Tax currency — If you choose to use tax currency, the report displays the amounts in the currency specified for the tax code in the Tax Codes form. Normally, the tax currency is the currency in which the tax is reported and paid to the taxing authority. This option is available only if tax auditing is enabled for the active company.

Vision stores amounts in these types of currencies when the transaction is posted. The amounts are calculated using the exchange rates in effect on the posting date.

Options Dialog Box

Use the Options dialog box to specify reporting options for a report. Depending on the report, the dialog box contains one or more of the following tabs: General, Sorting/Grouping, Columns, Budget, Metrics, User Defined Sections, Activity, Drill Down, Layout, and Graph.

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