Text Library Summary Columns Tab

Use the Columns tab to select or clear columns, change column sequence, provide new column labels, set column widths, or select number and date formats.

Report Section Types

This report can contain two types of sections:

  • Default sections — You select the default sections in Report Sections to Include on the General tab. Each default section contains a pre-defined set of columns. You do not select the columns for the default sections. The table below provides descriptions of the columns in the default sections.
  • User-defined sections — If you set up user-defined sections for this report, use the Columns tab to select the columns for each of those sections and specify column attributes. The columns available for user-defined columns are the same as those available for the Text Library List. Refer to the help topics for the Text Library List for descriptions of the columns that you can select for user-defined columns.

You can include both default sections and user-defined sections on the same report.


Field Description
Name This column displays the name for the text library record (for example, Firm History or Project Approach WWTP).
Description This column displays the description of the text library record (for example, "Performance History for Environmental Services" or "Approach to Wastewater Treatment Plants."
Document This column displays the actual text from the text library record.
Files - Description This column displays a brief description of the file or Web address (URL).
Files - File Path This column contains one of the following:
  • The complete path for an external file. This path includes the file name and extension.
  • The address (URL) for a Web site, intranet site, file transfer (FTP) site, and so on.
Files - Graphic This column contains a Y or N (yes or no) to indicate whether or not the file is a graphic file.