Organization Manager Sample – Pipeline Revenue Performance Dashboard

The Organization Manager Sample - Pipeline Revenue performance dashboard enables you to view historical revenue trends while projecting future workload based on data from the Planning module.

This is the start of your concept.

Pipeline Revenue Chart

The Pipeline Revenue chart displays a stacked bar for each year. Each bar segment represents either the actual amount billed or the total planned compensation.

For comparison, the chart also displays a black broken line across each bar that represents the revenue target for your top-level organization.

The Pipeline Revenue chart illustrates how you can use multiple measures on the same chart.

Characteristic Description
Chart Type Bar chart
Measures Billed

Plan Total Compensation Billing

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) One or two RevenueTargetProject<org level> KPIs, depending on Vision Performance Management configuration
Drill Down From calendar year to quarter to month

Use the Key Performance Indicators tab of the Analysis Cubes form in Vision (Configuration > General > Analysis Cubes) to specify target values for the RevenueTargetProject<org level> KPIs. (The performance dashboards will not display the targets you specify until you use the Vision Resource Kit to update the Analysis Cubes to include those targets.)

Automatic Filter

Vision automatically filters the data to only include project data for the top-level organization to which the current Vision user is assigned in the Employee Info Center. ("Top-level organization" is an organization at the highest organization level selected as a filter option in Vision Performance Management configuration.) If the user is not linked to an employee in Vision, this filter cannot be applied, so the dashboard includes data for all organizations.

Filter Options

You can filter the project data for this performance dashboard based on any or all of the following:

  • One organization level (depending on Vision Performance Management configuration)
  • Project type
  • Project client
  • Project principal
  • Project manager
  • Project charge type (Default: Regular)