Executive Sample – Trends and Multipliers Performance Dashboard

The Executive Sample - Trends and Multipliers performance dashboard provides three charts you can use to monitor effective multipliers and profit percentages and to review trends for a number of additional key metrics for you firm.contains three charts: bullet charts for effective multiplier and profit percent, and a collection of line charts that displays trends for a number of additional key metrics for the company.

Effective Multiplier Chart

The Effective Multiplier chart compares the current effective multiplier value for the selected years to the target multiplier value.

Characteristic Description
Chart Type Bullet chart
Chart Components Black horizontal bar — Effective multiplier value

Black vertical bar — Effective multiplier target value

Shaded areas — 0 - 60% of target, 60 - 80% of target, 80 - 100+% of target

Measures Effective Multiplier
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) EffectiveMultiplierNoDimension
Drill Down None

Use the Key Performance Indicators tab of the Analysis Cubes form in Vision (Configuration > General > Analysis Cubes) to specify company target values for the EffectiveMultiplierNoDimension KPI. (The performance dashboards will not display the targets you specify until you use the Vision Resource Kit to update the Analysis Cubes to include those targets.)

Profit Percent Chart

The Profit Percent chart compares the current profit percentage for the selected years to the target percentage.

Characteristic Description
Chart Type Bullet chart
Chart Components Black horizontal bar — Profit percent excluding overhead

Black vertical bar — Profit percent excluding overhead target

Shaded areas — 0 - 60% of target, 60 - 80% of target, 80 - 100+% of target

Measures Profit Percent
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) ProfitPercentNoDimension
Drill Down None

Vision does not include overhead in the calculation of values for the Profit Percent measure.

Use the Key Performance Indicators tab of the Analysis Cubes form in Vision (Configuration > General > Analysis Cubes) to specify company target values for the ProfitPercentNoDimension KPI. (The performance dashboards will not display the targets you specify until you use the Vision Resource Kit to update the Analysis Cubes to include those targets.)

Trend Analysis at Cost Chart

The Trend Analysis at Cost chart is a collection of small line charts that tracks the change in the value, over time, of several key metrics. The values are based on cost rates.

This chart illustrates how you can use multiple measures on the same chart.

Characteristic Description
Chart Type Line chart collection




Labor Total Hours

Labor Total Cost

Expense Cost

Gross Margin

Effective Multiplier

Drill Down None

Filter Options

You can filter the project data for this performance dashboard based on any or all of the following:

  • One or two organization levels (depending on Vision Performance Management configuration)
  • Project manager
  • Project status
  • Project type
  • Project charge type (Default: Regular)
  • Fiscal year (Default: most recent three years)