Actual Values on Plans

To report actual values on the grids throughout Project Planning, you must map the plan and post data through the appropriate transaction posting mechanisms in the other Vision applications.

You can include actual values from unposted timesheet transactions in your plan. To do so, select the Show Unposted Actual Labor option on the General Tab of Project Planning. You can then see the labor hours that are reported but not yet posted on the Labor tab of Project Planning. When you include unposted labor hours, Vision uses provisional rates to calculate the corresponding labor cost and labor billed amounts. You establish provisional rates on the Accounting tab of the Employee Info Center.

Any unposted actuals on the Labor grid and summary values that are in part unposted display with a text color of dark teal on the right side of the grid.

Any unmatched actuals display with a text color of red. For example:

Because Actual data is only computed when a plan is retrieved, if you change the plan's structure using Indent/Outdent, Insert Row, and/or Delete Row, the data will not update until you retrieve the plan again.

For mapped plans, Vision includes the following data on the Project Planning tabs:

Data Where in Planning? Source of the Data
Labor Hours
  • Job to Date Hours field on the Labor tab
  • Job to Date Charging option on the Labor Planning Grid. You can click the "hour" amount to drill down to the Labor Detail report for a given employee
Timesheets entered and posted through Time & Expense or the Transaction Center
Labor Amounts
  • Job to Date Cost and Job to Date Bill fields on the Labor tab
  • Job to Date Charging option on the Labor Planning Grid

Vision's posting mechanism multiplies the actual hours reported by the appropriate cost or billing rates.

Expense Amounts Job to Date Cost and Job to Date Bill fields on the Expenses tab Expenses entered and posted through Time & Expense or the Transaction Center
Consultant Amounts Job to Date Cost and Job to Date Bill fields on the Consultants tab

Consultant expenses entered and posted through Time & Expense or the Transaction Center