Planning Alerts

You can create alerts to inform you of events or tasks that require attention. Vision delivers alerts to your Vision dashboard or through email messages. You establish the alerts in General Configuration.

You or your Vision Administrator can set up Planning alerts that will send messages to team members when:

Your system administrator can create workflow alerts for specific situations. For example, you can use them to tell you when it is necessary to approve documents or complete a procedure. If you are using Vision Navigator, the Vision Planning alerts are activated.

You can also use Vision's Web Services feature to achieve fuller replication of your firm's business process related to Planning. Your technical staff uses this feature to build custom workflows. For example, they can configure a web service to notify a manager when a plan is saved. Your technical staff sets up web service workflows in Vision at Configuration > Workflow > Web Services. The Application drop-down list displays the applications for which a web service workflow can be configured.

See the General Configuration section of the help system for information about alerts.