Change the Plan Retrieval Mode

Use the Plan Retrieval Mode dialog box to select the method Vision should use to retrieve the plan data. When you minimize the amount of data retrieved, Vision pulls information from the database at a much faster pace.

To change the plan retrieval mode, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Planning > Project Planning.
  2. On the Project Planning toolbar, click Options > Plan Retrieval Mode.
  3. On the Plan Retrieval Mode dialog box, select one of the following options:
    Option Description
    Retrieve All Data

    Select this option to retrieve and display all plan data.

    Retrieve Plan-Level Job to Date, Estimate to Complete, Baseline, and Planned Data

     Select this option to display only the data listed, at the plan level, for the Summary grid. This data is found on the Labor, Expenses, Consultants, and/or Units grids.

    Retrieve Only Plan Data

    Select this option if you do not want the Job to Date, Estimate to Complete, Estimate at Completion, or Baseline data to display anywhere in the plan.

  4. Click OK.

    The current retrieval mode information displays in the context area of the Planning form.