Comparing Compensation to Contracts

The Compare Compensation to Contracts option on the Project Planning toolbar works in conjunction with the Plan Compensation Values by Row & Period option in Planning Configuration.

Amounts do not update when you run this option; Vision only compares the two amounts.

Plan Compensation Values by Row and Period Selected

  • Unmapped Plan — If you are using an unmapped plan, the Plan Compensation Values by Row & Period option is selected, and you click the Compare Compensation to Contracts option, Vision displays a Limit comparison cannot continue dialog box.

  • Mapped Plan — If you are using a mapped plan, the Plan Compensation Values by Row & Period option is selected, and you click the Compare Compensation to Contracts option, Vision begins the comparison process and displays a Progress dialog box.

    When you use a mapped plan, the following apply:
    • The compensation amounts on the Labor tab of Project Planning are compared to the contract amounts entered for the project on the Contract Management tab in the Project Info Center.

    • Any mapped amounts entered on the Labor tab of Project Planning (at any WBS level) are compared to the corresponding WBS level totals on the mapped project's Contract Management tab in the Project Info Center.

    • When the comparisons finish, Vision closes the Progress dialog box and displays the Comparison Results dialog box. If all the compared plan amounts are less than or equal to the corresponding project contract amounts, Vision displays a dialog box that states Comparison results: planned amounts within comparison.

    • If one or more compared plan amounts are greater than the corresponding project contract amounts by either the exact amount down to the last decimal, or by more than 0.5 (applicable currency) if the Exact decimal limits option is not selected, Vision displays a dialog box that states: Comparison results: planned amounts exceed limits.

Plan Compensation Values by Row & Period Not Selected

  • Unmapped Plan — If you are using an unmapped plan, the Plan Compensation Values by Row & Period option is not selected, and you click the Compare Compensation to Contracts option, Vision displays a Limit comparison cannot continue dialog box.

  • Mapped Plan — If you are using a mapped plan, the Plan Compensation Values by Row & Period option is not selected, and you click the Compare Compensation to Contracts option, Vision begins the comparison process and displays a progress dialog box.

    Vision compares plan amounts from the Cost Analysis tab of Project Planning and/or Billing Analysis tab of Project Planning (which are at the WBS1 level only) to the corresponding WBS1 levels in the top mapped project contracts grid.
    • When the comparisons finish, Vision closes the Progress dialog box and displays the Comparison Results dialog box. If all the compared plan amounts are less than or equal to the corresponding project contract amounts, Vision displays a dialog box that states Comparison results: planned amounts within comparison.

    • If one or more compared plan amounts are greater than the corresponding project contract amounts by either the exact amount down to the last decimal, or by more than 0.5 (applicable currency) if the Exact decimal limits option is not selected, Vision displays a dialog box that states: Comparison results: planned amounts exceed limits.