Print Expense Report Option Dialog Box

The Print Expense Report Option dialog box allows you to select a default printing option that controls which, if any, report Vision generates when you submit an expense report for processing.

If Print Supporting Documents is selected on the Print menu, both reports also include any supporting documents associated with the expense reports.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Time and Expense > Expense Report.
  2. Click Option on the toolbar.


Field Description
Print Detailed Expense Report when submitted Select this option to print a Detailed Expense report automatically each time that you submit an expense report for processing.
Print Summarized Expense Report when submitted Select this option for Vision to print a Summarized Expense report automatically each time that you submit a timesheet for processing.
Do Not Print Select this option if you do not want Vision to print either a Detailed or Summarized Expense report each time that you submit an expense report for processing.