Period Setup Utility

Use the Period Setup utility to close and reopen accounting periods, set up the number of periods per year, and change the starting and ending dates for each accounting period. If Vision is configured to support multiple companies, you can open or close a period for the active company only or for all companies.

Posting Log Review

You can run a Posting Log Review report from the Period Setup utility for any accounting period. When you open an accounting period, Vision creates an entry in the posting log with an AL transaction type to indicate that it is an audit log posting.

Closed Periods

It is not necessary to close a period in Vision. You can have multiple open periods at any time. However, Deltek recommends that you close a period after you process all data and print all reports for the period.

You can perform any function in a prior or closed period if your security role is authorized to do so. However, if neither Allow Processing in Closed Periods nor Allow Processing in Prior Periods is selected for your security role, you cannot perform the following functions:

  • Transaction Center
  • Accounting
  • Billing
  • Human Resources

Audit Trail

Vision keeps track of periods that are opened and closed if the Open and Close Periods check box is selected on the Audit Trail tab of Configuration > General > System Settings. The Period Audit report can be generated on Reporting > Configuration.

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