Vendor Info Center Overview

Use the Vendor Info Center to enter and manage information about the vendors and consultants that your company uses to purchase materials and services.

If you use the Multicompany feature, vendor records are available to all companies. However, to see accounting data on the Accounting tab of the Vendor Info Center, the active company must be the same company that was active when the vendor record was created. If not, the vendor is not available for accounting applications, including Transaction Entry, in that company. In this way, multiple companies in a single enterprise can use the same vendors while simultaneously preserving the ability of each company to establish its own accounting-related settings for the vendor. These settings include default payment terms and expense accounts, discount codes, VAT (Value Added Tax) and GST (Goods and Services Tax) tax code information, Federal ID numbers, and 1099 data.

Connect for Microsoft Outlook is an optional Vision module that makes it possible for you to manage Vision clients, contacts, vendors, and opportunities, all from Microsoft Outlook. Connect for Microsoft Outlook does not replace the Client, Contact, Vendor, or Opportunity Info Centers. You use it in addition to the Info Centers, to access and manage Vision Info Center records from either application.

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