Database List View Tab of Weblink Utility

Use the Database List View tab to view all of the databases that are currently set up within the Weblink utility and run scripts that exist on the Vision application server against any of those databases.

This tab contains the following grids:

  • Grid View — This grid provides a quick glance at all the databases that are currently set up within the Weblink utility.
  • Scripts — This grid allows you to run scripts that exist on the Vision application server against any database in the Grid View grid. Scripts must already exist in the /Databases/Scripts folder on the application server to run them from the Scripts grid.
Warning: Run scripts only on the advice of a Deltek consultant, who can verify that the scripts are for the current version of Vision.

Tab Toolbar

Field Description
Save Select this option to save your changes.
Change Password Select this option to change your Weblink password.
Delete Old Databases This option is typically used for internal Deltek purposes. Click this button to remove all databases whose version is different from the database version used with Deltek Vision (for example, if you are running multiple databases at one site, perhaps in a test scenario). Weblink also removes all databases to which a connection cannot be made.

If there are any pending Weblink changes, a message displays asking if these changes should be saved before removing the old database. After the old and unreachable databases are removed, Weblink is refreshed with the new data.

Help Select this option to access online Help related to the Weblink utility.

Grid View Grid Toolbar

Field Description
Select All Before you run scripts, click this icon to select all the databases in Weblink at once.
Move Up and Move Down Use these icons to move a database up or down in the grid. First, select the Select check box for a database that you want to move. Then, click Move Up or Move Down.

The order of the databases in this grid can control the order of the databases in the drop-down list in Deltek Vision Login dialog box, but only if you complete the additional steps to modify the web.config file. For instructions on how to modify this file, see the help topic titled "Modify the Web.config File to Add the Vision Database Sort Order." If you do not modify the web.config file, the order of the databases in the drop-down list in the Deltek Vision Login dialog box is alphabetical by database description.

Delete To remove a database profile from the Weblink utility, select the Select check box for a database that you want to delete, and then click Delete.

Grid View Grid

Field Description
Select Select this check box for one or more databases for which you want to run a particular script, as specified in the Scripts grid. Then click Run Scripts on the Scripts grid.
Description This field displays the database description, as entered on the Weblink General tab.
Disable Process Server Select this option if you do not want to use this database for scheduled jobs. If selected, this database is not polled for jobs.
Report Server URL This field displays the report server URL for the database. You can change this information.
Windows Username This field displays the Windows username for the database. You can change this information.
Windows Password This field displays the Windows password for the database. You can change this information.
Server Name This field displays the report server for the database. You can change this information.
Database Name This field displays the database name for the database. You can change this information.
Windows Authentication This field is selected if Windows authentication applies to the database. You can change this information.
Database Username This field displays the database username for the database. You can change this information.
Database Password This field displays the database password for the database. You can change this information.
Root Folder This field displays the root folder for the database. You can change this information.

Scripts Grid Toolbar

Field Description
Run Scripts Click this to run the scripts that you have added in the grid against the database or databases you have selected in the Grid View grid.

You select databases by checking the Select field for a database profile in the Grid View grid.

Insert Click Insert to add a script to the grid. You have the following options:
  • New Script — Select to add a blank line to the grid. Then enter the name of the script in the File Name field. The script must already exist on the Vision application server.
  • Select any one of the following scripts that exist by default on the Vision application server in the \Databases\Scripts folder:
    • Functions — fn_*.sql

    • Stored Procedures — sp_*.sql

    • Triggers — tr_*.sql

    • Views — v_*.sql

    • Primary Keys — VisionCreatePKs.sql

    • Foreign Keys — VisionCreateFKs.sql

    • Indexes — VisionCreateIndexes.sql

    • Create Tables — VisionCreateTables.sql

    • New Install — Vision60InstallDB.sql

Copy Select a script by clicking in the grey box next to the File Name field, and click Copy to copy the selected script name and add a duplicate entry in the grid. You can then modify the script name as needed.
Delete Select a script by clicking in the grey box next to the File Name field, and click Delete to delete it from the grid. This does not delete the script from the application server.

Scripts Grid

Field Description
File Name Click Insert and enter the name of the SQL script that exists on the Vision application server in the Databases\Scripts directory. (For example, \Program Files\Deltek\Vision\6.0\Databases\Scripts.)