Accounts Receivable Comments Dialog Box

Click Invoice Comments to enter, update, or view the comments that exist for the current project's invoices.

You can open an invoice and enter associated comments in either Vision or Navigator. When you save and refresh the data, the other application will automatically update. Sharing the comments between the two applications ensures that you have all of the information that is related to the invoice in one location.

The ability to enter comments for your invoices is based on your role's access rights that are assigned on the Accounting tab of Vision Role Security:
  • Accounts Receivable Comment Review Access: Full access allows your role to see all comments, By User access allows you to only see your own comments, and None prevents access to comments.
  • Accounts Receivable Comment Update Access: Full access allows your role to add, edit, or delete comments; By User access allows you to add new comments as well as edit or delete comments where you were the last one to update the comment; and None prevents access to comments.

When you open the Accounts Receivable Comments dialog box, it prefills with existing comments for the billing client. Depending on your access rights, you can add new comments or edit or delete existing comments for the client's invoices. Some of the Accounts Receivable Comments fields are display-only, but the project, invoice, and credit memo fields include lookups where you can select information for your comment. You can also use the Comment Entry field to enter the details for your comment.


To display the Accounts Receivable Comments dialog box, complete the following steps:
  1. In Navigator, click and select Project Management.
  2. Select a project.
  3. Select the Invoices tab. The Invoices page displays.
  4. Select an invoice and click Invoice Comments on the Invoices grid. The Accounts Receivable Comments dialog box displays.


Field Description
Billing Client The invoice's billing client displays on the invoice dialog box header.
Project Use the Project lookup to select a project for the accounts receivable comment or to change the project that is selected. This lookup displays the active and inactive projects that are associated with the client.
Name This column displays the project name.
Invoice Use the Invoice lookup to select an invoice to associate with the comment or to change the invoice that is selected. This lookup displays the invoices that are associated with the project.
Credit Memo This column displays the reference number of the credit memo, if one is associated with the selected project or invoice. You can use the lookup to select a different credit memo as needed. This lookup displays the credit memos that are associated with the project or invoice.
Date This column defaults to display the date and time the comment was entered or most recently updated.
Name This column displays the name of the person who most recently updated the comment.
Comment This column displays the first few words of the comment. Refer to the Comment Entry field for text of the entire comment.
Comment Entry Use this field to view or edit an existing comment for the selected row, or to enter new comments. Your Vision security role must have update access to Accounts Receivable Comments for you to make changes to this field.

You can open the invoice and enter associated comments in either Vision or Navigator and the other application's comments will automatically update. Sharing the comments between the two applications ensures that you have all of the information that is related to the invoice in one location.