Aged Unbilled Labor Dashpart

Use the Aged Unbilled Labor dashpart to view an assessment of the labor amounts at the project level. This includes billed and unbilled amounts, as well as an aging chart to display the period of time that the labor has not been billed.


If your firm uses Vision Multicurrency, the currency code displays and all currency amounts display in the project's billing currency.

If you are using Internet Explorer, click the dashpart title link to open Project Review in Vision.

Field Description
Billed This field displays the total amount billed on the project, which is the sum of the Billed + Tax Billed amounts that are shown in Vision > Project Review . Retainage is included in the Billed amount.

Calculation: Billed = Billed + Tax Billed amount on posted invoices

Unbilled This field displays the value of unbilled labor records through today's date.

Calculation: Unbilled = Billing value of posted and unposted labor records with a billing status of B (billable) or H (held)

Aging Categories (WIP) The aging columns display outstanding amounts, as of today, in the following categories:
  • >30: This column contains unbilled amounts that are 31 through 45 days old
  • >45: This column contains unbilled billed amounts that are 46 through 60 days old
  • >60: This column contains unbilled billed amounts that are 61 through 90 days old
  • >90: This column contains unbilled billed amounts that are 91 through 120 days old
  • >120: This column contains unbilledamounts older than 120 days

Calculation: Aging Categories = Aged unbilled labor amounts


Tooltips display when you hover over or tap various parts of the Navigator interface, including buttons, status and warning indicators, and data on the dashparts and charts. You can also click the buttons to view specific calculation information, and click the More links to access the pertinent Navigator online help.

If you are using a tablet device, the tooltip hover action is not available, but you can tap the buttons and More links to view the calculations and online help.