My Settings Dialog Box

Use the My Settings dialog box to specify date formats and decimal and digit grouping symbols and the color schemes for your databases. If you use Kona integration, you can also specify your Kona email address and password.


To display the My Settings dialog box, complete the following step:
On the Navigator toolbar, click and select My Settings.


Field Description
Short Date Select a date format, such as M/d/yyyy. This format applies to all dates except the labor calendar period dates and dates on the Labor Timeline Chart. You must log out and back in for this change to take effect.
Decimal Symbol Select the character to use as the decimal symbol for numbers throughout Navigator. You must log out and back in for this change to take effect.
Digit Grouping Symbol Select the character, such as a comma or period, to use as the digit grouping symbol throughout Navigator. You must log out and back in for this change to take effect.
Color Scheme Navigator applies a default set of colors when you initially log into the application. You can use this drop-down list to change the color scheme at any time. This change takes effect when you click OK and remains in effect until you modify your selection.
Note: If you use multiple Navigator databases, you can select a scheme for each database.
Kona Email This field is only available if Vision is configured to integrate with Kona Business on the Miscellaneous tab of theVision > Configuration > General > System Settings. Enter your Kona email address to access Kona directly from Navigator. See the Kona Integration Overview online help topic for more information.
Kona Password This field is only available if Vision is configured to integrate with Kona Business on the Miscellaneous tab of theVision > Configuration > General > System Settings. Enter your Kona password to access Kona directly from Navigator. See the Kona Integration Overview online help topic for more information.