Timesheet Form

Use the Timesheet form to enter your personal timesheet information, which may include a combination of the following: project, phase, task, labor code, labor category, and payroll tax locale values for each labor charge on your timesheet. It also may include time using special categories with pre-defined values.

The timesheet form displays fields and a grid. The fields list the general timesheet data, including period, number of hours, status information, totals, and related comments, while the grid displays specific labor charge and time details. Some of these fields are required for you to save and submit the timesheet; these required fields are highlighted in yellow and must be completed before you can proceed.

Your timesheet processing capabilities depend on how your system administrator defines settings in Vision. Refer to the options listed in Checklist: Configuring Vision for Navigator Timesheets for more information, and contact your system administrator if you have questions.


To open the timesheet form, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Navigator toolbar, click Navigator Workspace and select Employee.
  2. Click the Timesheets link.



Field Description
Timesheet Status Values When the timesheet status can be edited, an Unlocked icon displays next to the timesheet in the Timesheet panel to indicate that you can edit the timesheet. A Locked icon displays when the timesheet is locked or you do not have the appropriate access rights to make changes.
Period Ending This field displays the end date of the timesheet labor period. This is the last day for which you can charge time to this timesheet.
Period Status Each timesheet labor period has a status value. Labor periods are one of the following:
  • Open: The labor period is open for processing. You can open a timesheet, enter and edit data, and submit.
  • Closed: The labor period is closed for processing. You can open and copy a timesheet, but you cannot enter or edit timesheet data, or submit.
  • Closed to Staff: This status is only shown when the labor period status is set to Administrators in Vision and you have group, company, or system level rights set in Vision Employee Info Center. You can open and copy your timesheet, enter and edit data, and submit it if resubmitting is allowed.
  • Closed to Group Admin: This status is only shown when the labor period status is set to System Administrators in Vision and you have company or system administration level rights set in Vision Employee Info Center. You can open and copy your timesheet, enter and edit data, and submit.
Week/Timesheet Period

This field displays if you are using Navigator with the Multicompany feature. When the Enable timesheet period number is selected on the Calendar tab of Configuration > Time & Expense > Company Timesheet for your company, the Week or Timesheet Period field displays on your Navigator timesheet. Use this field as a reference to ensure you that you are editing the correct timesheet.

Timesheet Status The timesheet status displays on the Timesheet, the Open dialog box, and the Copy dialog box. This status is important because it reflects the current processing stage of the timesheet and determines what access rights are available. Your system administrator can change the status of a timesheet at any time prior to posting the timesheet. Status options are:
  • When the timesheet status can be edited, an Editable icon displays next to it in the Timesheet panel. A Not Editable icon displays when the timesheet is locked or you do not have the appropriate access rights to make changes.
  • In Progress: This timesheet is in the process of being completed and has not been submitted. You can enter timesheet data and edit timesheet data.
  • Submitted: The timesheet is submitted for processing, but has not been approved. You can open the timesheet, but you cannot enter or edit timesheet data unless your security access allows you to resubmit timesheets.
  • Approved: The timesheet has been approved and is ready to be posted. You can open the timesheet, but you cannot enter or edit timesheet data unless your Timekeeper Administrator allows you to resubmit timesheets.
  • Posted: The timesheet has been posted. You can open the timesheet, but you cannot enter or edit timesheet data.
Show Totals

Select this option to turn the timesheet totals rows and columns on.

If overtime hours can be assigned, the timesheet Regular, Overtime, Overtime-2, and Total hours display. If overtime hours are not assigned, the Total row and column display.

Timesheet Grid

Use the Timesheet grid to enter your timesheet charge information.

Many of the timesheet grid columns include lookups, which allow you to select from a group of records based on your access rights, system defaults, and the use of validations. See the Using Lookups to Enter Timesheet Data online help topic for more information.

Note: If timesheet audits are enabled and you are attempting to revise a timesheet that has been saved or submitted, the left side of the timesheet grid is read-only and you can only modify the hours for each row. If you want to remove the hours for a timesheet row, you must select the row and click Delete; Navigator will zero out the hours for that row but will not remove the row.
Field Description
Project Use this column to select the project number to which you are charging time. To select a project record:
Quick Find Enter all or part of a project number or short or long name in the Project column. After you tab or press Enter, Navigator uses the Quick Find feature to default the exact match or populate the lookup list with potential matching records.
Lookup Click the Lookup button to use the Project/Phase/Task Lookup. If the lookup is configured to automatically populate, the Project/Phase/Task lookup opens with projects displayed in the Project column. Otherwise, you must use the Search button on the dialog to display a list of projects.

After the lookup list opens, you can further refine your results by using the Sort drop-down to sort the project list by Name or Number.

Click Select to select the project. If the selected project has phases and the selected phase has tasks, you must select a project, phase, and task before you can use the Select button.

Project Name If the Project column is displayed, this column displays the name of the project and it is not editable. If the Project column is not displayed, use this column to select the project to which you are charging time. To select a project record:
Quick Find Enter all or part of a project number or short or long name in the Project column. After you tab or press Enter, Navigator uses the Quick Find feature to default the exact match or populate the lookup list with potential matching records.
Lookup Click the Lookup button to use the Project/Phase/Task Lookup. If the lookup is configured to automatically populate, the Project/Phase/Task lookup opens with projects displayed in the Project column. Otherwise, you must use the Search button on the dialog to display a list of projects.

After the lookup list opens, you can further refine your results by using the Sort drop-down to sort the project list by Name or Number.

Click Select to select the project. If the selected project has phases and the selected phase has tasks, you must select a project, phase, and task before you can use the Select button.

Client Name The name of the client who is associated with the project displays, but is not editable.
Phase This column is available if the project you selected has associated phases. The records that are available to choose from in this column depend on the project that was selected. When there are associated phases, Navigator displays them in the Phase column in the Project/ Phase/Task Lookup dialog box. Choose a phase and, if required, an associated task and click Select.

If you need to change the phase, use one of the following:

Quick Find Enter all or part of a phase number or short or long name in the Phase column. After you tab or press Enter, Navigator uses the Quick Find feature to default the exact match or populate the lookup list with potential matching records.
Lookup Click the Lookup button in the respective Phase column on the timesheet line to access the Phase/Task Lookup and change your selection. The phases are automatically displayed when the dialog opens. Otherwise, you must use the Search button on the dialog to display a list of phases.

After the lookup list opens, you can further refine your results by using the Sort drop-down to sort the phase list by Name or Number.

Click Select to select the phase. If the selected phase has tasks, you must choose both a phase and task before you can use the Select button.

Phase Name If the Phase column is displayed, this column displays the name of the phase and it is not editable. If the Phase column is not displayed, use this field to select the name of the phase to which you are charging time. The records that are available to choose from depend on the project that was selected. When there are associated phases, Navigator displays them in the Phase column in the Project/ Phase/Task Lookup dialog box. Choose a phase and, if required, an associated task and click Select.

If you need to change the phase, use one of the following:

Quick Find Enter all or part of a phase number or short or long name in the Phase column. After you tab or press Enter, Navigator uses the Quick Find feature to default the exact match or populate the lookup list with potential matching records.
Lookup Click the Lookup button in the respective Phase column on the timesheet line to access the Phase/Task Lookup and change your selection. The phases are automatically displayed when the dialog opens. Otherwise, you must use the Search button on the dialog to display a list of phases.

After the lookup list opens, you can further refine your results by using the Sort drop-down to sort the phase list by Name or Number.

Click Select to select the phase. If the selected phase has tasks, you must choose both a phase and task before you can use the Select button.

Task This column is available if the phase you selected has associated tasks. Use this column to select the task to which you are charging time. The records that are available to choose from depend on the project that was selected. When there are associated tasks, Navigator displays them in the Task column in the Project/ Phase/Task Lookup dialog box. Choose the respective task and click Select.

If you need to change the task, use one of the following:

Quick Find Enter all or part of a task number or short or long name in the Task Column. After you tab or press Enter, Navigator uses the Quick Find feature to default the exact match or populate the lookup list with potential matching records.
Lookup Click the Lookup button in the respective Task column on the timesheet line to access the Task Lookup and change your selection. The tasks are automatically displayed when the dialog opens. Otherwise, you must use the Search button on the dialog to display a list of tasks.

After the lookup list opens, you can further refine your results by using the Sort drop-down to sort the task list by Name or Number.

Click Select to select the task.

Task Name If the Task column is displayed, this column displays the name of the task and it is not editable. If the Task column is not displayed, use this field to select the task to which you are charging time. The records that are available to choose from depend on the project that was selected. When there are associated tasks, Navigator displays them in the Task column in the Project/ Phase/Task Lookup dialog box. Choose the respective task and click Select.

If you need to change the task, use one of the following:

Quick Find Enter all or part of a task number or short or long name in the Task column. After you tab or press Enter, Navigator uses the Quick Find feature to default the exact match or populate the lookup list with potential matching records.
Lookup Click the Lookup button in the respective Task column on the timesheet line to access the Task Lookup and change your selection. The tasks are automatically displayed when the dialog opens. Otherwise, you must use the Search button on the dialog to display a list of tasks.

After the lookup list opens, you can further refine your results by using the Sort drop-down to sort the task list by Name or Number.

Click Select to select the task.

Labor Code Your system administrator can set up default labor codes for individual Timesheet users. If one is defined for you, it automatically displays in the Labor Code column on your timesheet. If there is no pre-defined labor code, select the labor code to which you are charging time. If there are associated levels, Navigator displays them in the Levels columns on the Labor Code lookup dialog box. Choose the labor code and levels and click Select.

If you need to change the labor code, use one of the following:

Quick Find Enter all or part of a labor code number or name in the Labor Code column. After you tab or press Enter, Navigator uses the Quick Find feature to default the exact match or populate the lookup list with potential matching records.
Lookup Click the Lookup button in the respective Labor Code column on the timesheet line to access the Labor Code lookup and change your selection. The labor codes are automatically displayed when the dialog opens. Otherwise, you must use the Search button on the dialog to display a list of labor codes.

Click Select to select the labor code.

If Budgeted Validations are in use, a Filter Budgeted Levels option displays on this lookup. When Budgeted Validations are set to Warning, you can turn the Filter Budgeted Levels option on or off to display only budgeted labor codes or all labor codes in the lookup results list. When Budgeted Validations are set to Error, the Filter Budgeted Levels option is selected by default and only budgeted labor codes display in the lookup results list.

When the Filter Budgeted Levels option is selected, the level header displays (Budgeted Only) next to the level title.

Labor Category Your system administrator can set up default labor categories for individual Timesheet users. If one is defined for you, it automatically displays in the Labor Category field on your timesheet. If there is no pre-defined labor category, choose the labor category to which you are charging time and click Select.

If you need to change the labor category, use one of the following:

Quick Find Enter all or part of a labor category number or name in the Labor Category column. After you tab or press Enter, Navigator uses the Quick Find feature to default the exact match or populate the lookup list with potential matching records.
Lookup Click the Lookup button in the respective Labor Category column on the timesheet line to access the Labor Category lookup and change your selection. The labor categories are automatically displayed when the dialog opens. Otherwise, you must use the Search button on the dialog to display a list of labor categories.

Click Select to select the labor category.

Payroll Tax Locale This column displays the defaulted payroll tax locale's code. You cannot change the locale within Navigator.

Timesheet Hours Grid

Use this portion of the grid to enter the number of hours for each timesheet entry.

Field Description

Use the Day/Date field (for example, Sun 11/17) to assign the hours you worked that day. The hours you assign in the field default as regular hours. If you worked regular and overtime hours, enter the hours in the separate fields located in the Timesheet Display Fields on the lower left area of the form. The sum of any hours entered in the separate fields displays in the grid's Day/Date field.

Your system administrator determines if you can enter partial hours (.5, for example), or whole hours (1.0, for example).

If the entry for a Day/Date field includes any overtime hours or has a comment assigned, the field is locked in the grid and all edits must be made using the fields located in the lower left portion of the timesheet.

Timesheet Display Fields

The lower section of the Timesheet form displays timesheet information for the currently selected row.

Field Description

Use this field to enter the number of regular hours worked on the day when you also worked overtime. Select the Day/Date field that corresponds to the day for which you are charging time to the project, phase, task, labor code, labor category, payroll tax locale combination.

Your system administrator determines if you can enter partial hours (.5, for example), or whole hours (1.0, for example).


Use this field to enter the number of overtime hours worked for the selected project, phase, task, labor code, labor category, and payroll tax locale combination. Select the corresponding Day/Date field in the timesheet grid for which you are charging overtime and enter the respective hours in the Overtime field.

Your system administrator determines if you can enter partial hours (.5, for example), or whole hours (1.0, for example).

Overtime-2 Use this field to enter the number of overtime hours worked for the selected project, phase, task, labor code, labor category, and payroll tax locale combination. Select the corresponding Day/Date field in the timesheet grid for which you are charging overtime and enter the respective hours in the Overtime-2 field.

Your system administrator determines if you can enter partial hours (.5, for example), or whole hours (1.0, for example).

Your company can set a standard overtime rate (Overtime) and a secondary overtime rate (Overtime-2). Contact your supervisor if you see an Overtime-2 field and do not know which field to enter your overtime hours in.
Comments This field records a comment that applies to the hours charged for the selected day and project, phase, task, labor code, labor category, and payroll tax locale combination. You can enter a comment directly in this field, or select an existing comment from the Comment drop-down list, which includes:
  • Comments previously entered on this timesheet.
  • Comments copied from another timesheet.
  • Global comments established in Vision.
Status When you select the hours field in a timesheet line, this field displays the timesheet line item approval status. This status is determined by the principal, project manager, and/or supervisor that reviews and then approves or rejects individual labor charges for the project.