Use various Vision features to set up and maintain expense report processing options for the Navigator Expense application.
For example, you can configure Navigator Expense Reports to do the following:
- Specify expense report global processing, display, and reimbursement options.
- Set up expense report company paid default accounts.
- Set up, modify, or delete expense report employee groups.
- Set up alerts to remind approvers when expense reports are submitted for processing.
If your firm uses the Multicompany feature, you must:
- Define system-wide processing options for the Expense Report application.
- Define company-specific processing options for each company within your enterprise.
In addition to the settings in Expense Report Configuration, settings on the following tabs affect how your Expense Report application works:
- Expense tab of Employee Info Center - Use these settings to assign access rights to the Expense Report application-Staff, Group, Company, or System-to each employee.
- Tax Auditing tab of Accounting Company Settings Configuration - Use these settings to enable the tax auditing feature for expense reports.
- General tab of Accounting Company Settings Configuration - Use these settings to select a check template and default bank for expense checks.
- Time and Expense tab of Project Info Center - Use these settings to set up expense billing defaults individual projects.