Contract Overview

The Contract page enables you to view the contract amounts and fee information in one central location. It breaks down the compensation and reimbursable allowance amounts in order to account for labor, expense, and consultant amounts.

Compensation: The project's compensation is automatically calculated by summing the Direct Expense and Direct Labor fields on the Budget & Revenue tab in Vision > Info Center > Projects. You cannot edit the Compensation field; it is display-only and updates when changes are made to the direct expense and direct labor amounts for the project.

Reimbursable Allowance: The project's reimbursable allowance is automatically calculated by summing the Reimbursable Expense and Reimbursable Consultants fields on the Budget & Revenue tab in Vision > Info Center > Projects. You cannot edit the Reimbursable Allowance field; it is display-only and updates when changes are made to the reimbursable expense and reimbursable consultant amounts for the project.

The sum of the amounts in the Compensation (Direct Labor plus Direct Expense), Direct Consultant, and Reimbursable Allowance (Reimbursable Expense plus Reimbursable Consultant) fields on the Budget & Revenue tab represent the total amount of fee you expect to receive over the life of the project. This is the Total Contract Amount in Navigator.

Note: You can view and plan contracts for a project in Navigator if the Contract option is selected in Vision > Configuration > Security > Roles. If you are using Vision Multicompany, the setting is evaluated for each project's company.