Draft Invoice Pending Approval Toolbar

Use the Draft Invoice Pending Approval toolbar on the Invoices tab to approve or reject a project's invoices.


This toolbar displays on the Invoices tab if you are assigned to approve or reject the project's invoices and your project has invoices ready for approval.
Icon Description
Display Invoice Click this icon to open and view the invoice.
Billing Comments Click this icon to open the Billing Comments dialog box and record comments for In Process invoice entries.
Approve this Invoice If you are assigned to approve invoices, use this button to approve an invoice that was submitted in Vision.
Reject this Invoice If you are assigned to approve or reject invoices, use this button to reject an invoice that was submitted in Vision. If the invoice's project is the main project for a billing group, all projects within the billing group are rejected as well. If an invoice is rejected, anyone who has required security access can display the invoice in Vision Interactive Billing and make changes to that invoice and submit it for approval again. See the Vision Billing online help for more information.