Expenses Markup Fields

Fields on the upper right of the Expenses page display the expenses markup information.


You use Navigator Plan Settings to identify when a project has markup on reimbursable expenses. When markup is configured, Billing and/or Cost options display, depending on the use of billing and/or cost rates. At this point, all planned values will be entered at cost, but Navigator will calculate the billing amounts. The markups only apply to reimbursable expenses; direct expenses will be entered on the same screen, but the value will be the same at cost and billing.

If your firm uses Vision Multicurrency, the currency in use is indicated next to the Billing and Cost options. For example, Billing (USD) displays if you are viewing the plan at billing and in U.S. dollars. The Project Currency is always used when viewing projects and plans at cost. The currency used when viewing projects and plans at billing is determined by a Vision Configuration setting that your system administrator selects. See the Use Project and Billing Currencies online help topic for more information on currencies.

Field Description
Reimb. Expense Billing Markup This field displays the reimbursable expenses's rate method setting. For Navigator plans, this is set on the Expenses page on the Plan Settings dialog box, and for Vision plans, this is set on the Rates tab in Project Planning. If a project has multiple Vision plans that are in utilization, this field displays the value from the plan with the earliest creation date.
When the Rate Method is set to one of the following options, the Reimb. Expense Billing Markup displays the respective markup information:
  • Multiplier Only = Multiplier
  • Account Rate Table or Category Rate Table = Table
  • None = No Markup