General Detail Dialog Box

Use the General Detail dialog box to record additional information about the expense line item. This dialog box displays when the selected category is associated with the General detail type or when no category is assigned.


To display the General Detail dialog box, complete the following steps:
  1. Open the expense report.
  2. Select an expense row. If a category is assigned that is associated with the General detail type, or if no category is assigned, a displays in the Detail cell.
  3. Click to open the detail dialog box. The General Detail dialog box displays when the General category is assigned.


Field Description

This field defaults to the date from the expense line entry; however, you can enter a date directly in this field or select a new date from the calendar if needed. This date will display on the expense line for the expense report.


This field defaults to the description that was assigned to the expense line; however, you can edit the description or enter a new description if needed. This description will display on the expense line for the expense report.

Show in Detailed Report Select Show in Detailed Report to include the details for the expense item in the Detailed Expense report.
General Detail

Use the General Detail dialog box to provide the business reason for an expense. Enter detail information in Business Reason for Expense.

Detail Dialog Box Buttons

Field Description
Clear All and Close Select this button to clear all entries and return the dialog box to the state it is in when a new expense row is inserted.
OK Click OK to close the dialog box. The text Details Added displays in the Details field on the expense report. After you enter the details for an expense item, you can click Edit to edit the details as needed, but you cannot enter text directly in the Details cell.