Billing Comments Dialog Box

The Billing Comments dialog box displays during different phases of invoice approval processing. Use this dialog box to record comments for the specific invoice that you are processing, including reasons for approving or rejecting the invoice.

The Save button on this dialog box is dynamic based on the processing option that you are using. It is Save when you are entering billing comments, Approve when you are approving an invoice, and Reject when you are rejecting an invoice. Enter the comments that apply to the invoice's processing option that you are using.

After you enter comments in this dialog box, they also display in Vision > Billing > Interactive Billing:
  • Billing > Invoice Approvals
  • Billing > Interactive Approvals
When you update the comments in these screens, they are automatically updated in the comments for the invoice in Navigator.

Location-Billing Comments Dialog Box

To display the Billing Comments dialog box, complete the following steps:
  1. In Navigator, click and select Project Management.
  2. Click the Invoice Pending Approval alert button and select the name of the project that contains the invoice that you want to view. The project opens on the Invoices tab, the Draft Invoice Pending Approval toolbar displays, and a list of invoices displays in the grid.
  3. Click Billing Comments, Approve this Invoice, or Reject this Invoice on the Draft Invoice Pending Approval toolbar to open this dialog box.

Contents-Billing Comments Dialog Box

The following fields and grid display only when this dialog box opens in Navigator Invoice Approvals.

Comments Grid

Field Description
Add a Comment If you are reviewing an invoice on the Draft Invoice Pending Approval form and want to enter new comments as you proceed, click Billing Comments on the Draft Invoice Pending Approval toolbar to open this dialog box. Then click the In Process row on the grid.

When you click either Approve this Invoice or Reject this Invoice, Navigator changes the action for the inserted row to Approved or Rejected.

This option is only available if you open the Billing Comments dialog box from the Invoice Approvals form.

Action This column displays the approval actions that have occurred for the invoice: Submitted, Approved, or Rejected.
Name This column displays the name of the person who carried out the action.
Date This column displays the date and time that the action occurred.
Comment If a comment was entered for the action, this column contains all or part of that comment.

To view the full text of a long comment, click on a row to display it in the Comment Entry dialog box.