Additional Documentation Dialog Box

Use the Additional Documentation dialog box to select the options for viewing additional details for your project's invoices. This is useful for invoices that are edited outside of Vision and then uploaded into the system.

The Additional Documentation dialog box displays when the Print Backup Report and/or the A/P Vouchers or Expense Report options are selected on the Billing Backup tab in Vision > Billing > Billing Terms.


To display the Additional Documentation dialog box, complete the following steps:
  1. In Navigator, click and select Project Management.
  2. Select a project.
  3. Select the Invoices tab. The Invoices page displays.
  4. Select the invoice and click the View Invoice button on the Invoices grid. The Additional Documentation dialog box displays.


Field Description
View Backup Report This option is enabled if the Print Backup Report option is selected on the Billing Backup tab in Vision > Billing > Billing Terms. Select this option to print the Billing Backup report after invoices are viewed for this project.
View Supporting Documents This option is enabled if either the A/P Vouchers or Expense Report options are selected in the Print Supporting Documents group box on the Billing Backup tab in Vision > Billing > Billing Terms. Select this option to automatically include supporting documents when the invoice is viewed.
Continue Click Continue to view the invoice and any additional documentation that was selected to include.