Labor Plan Summary Dashpart

Use the Labor Plan Summary dashpart to view a summary of the planned and baseline hours with the estimate-to-complete (ETC) information at billing. You can then compare this information to the actual contract amount to analyze the project's current status and where it will potentially end. Or, if you are planning at cost, you can view the estimate-to-complete (EAC) overhead against the contract amount to determine the potential profit.


The amounts on this dashpart display at billing or cost, depending on the budget type (Billing, Cost, or Cost and Billing). After you specify the budget type, there are Billing and/or Cost options that display on the Planning page to indicate the type of amount that you are viewing. The dashpart's criteria, amounts, title, and heading color also reflect the selection. If both Billing and Cost options display, you can switch between them and the dashpart's information will update accordingly.

See the Switch Labor Amounts from Billing to Cost online help topic for more information.

If your firm uses Vision Multicurrency, the currency in use is indicated next to the Billing and Cost options. For example, Billing (USD) displays if you are viewing the plan at billing and in U.S. dollars. The Project Currency is always used when viewing projects and plans at cost. The currency used when viewing projects and plans at billing is determined by a Vision Configuration setting that your system administrator selects. See the Use Project and Billing Currencies online help topic for more information on currencies.

Note: The Accounting tab in Configuration > Security > Roles determines your access rights to labor costs rates and amounts in Navigator. When you select the Cost option, some information may not display because of your security access. See the Security Settings and Labor Cost Amounts online help topic for more information.

Field Description
Contract This field displays the contract amount.
ETC This portion of the bar represents the estimate-to-complete (ETC) labor amount for the project. This is the value of planned labor required from tomorrow forward through the end of the plan.

If the Cost option is selected, this amount displays as zero. If a project is mapped on multiple Vision plans that have the Include in utilization and project reports option selected, Navigator totals are the combined values.

Calculation: ETC = Planned labor amount at cost or billing from tomorrow forward.

JTD This portion of the bar represents the job-to-date labor amount through today's date for the project. It is based on actual JTD labor charges and includes unposted charges.

Calculation: JTD = posted and unposted labor charges at cost or billing through today

EAC Overhead (displays if the Cost option is selected) This portion of the bar displays the cost amount for the estimated (EAC) overhead, which is calculated by summing the different JTD and ETC overhead amounts.

Calculation: EAC Overhead = JTD overhead allocation + estimated JTD overhead allocation (since last allocation) + estimated ETC overhead.

EAC Profit (displays if the Cost option is selected) This portion of the bar displays the cost amount for the estimate-at-complete (EAC) profit.

Calculation: EAC Profit = Contract - JTD - ETC - estimated overhead

When you mouse over the EAC Profit portion of the bar, it displays both the EAC Profit amount and the EAC Profit percentage. Navigator automatically calculates these numbers by pulling the following values from the Dashboard and Planning pages, as shown in the following example:

Contract from Labor page: 698,000

JTD from Labor page: 139,978

ETC from Labor page: 0

The EAC Profit is calculated as: Contract - JTD at cost through today - ETC at cost from tomorrow forward - estimated overhead (if overhead applies)

698,000 - 139,978 = 558,022

EAC Profit: 558,022

The EAC Profit percentage is calculated as: EAC Profit divided by Contract

558,022 / 698,000 = 79.9%


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If you are using a tablet device, the tooltip hover action is not available, but you can tap the buttons and More links to view the calculations and online help.