Vision Features that are Impacted When the Vision Resource Planning Module is Not Installed

You can use Vision Navigator to create and edit plans even when you do not have a license for the Vision Resource Planning module. However, doing so impacts certain areas in Vision.

Your access to these features depends on your Vision > Configuration > Security rights.

Vision > Configuration > Security > Access Rights The Planning options are hidden in the Application lists.
Vision > Configuration > Security > Navigator The Access, Record Level View, and Record Level Update options are hidden.
Role Summary Report Planning-related data displays.
Project Reporting These reports display both Vision Navigator data and Vision Planning-related data:
  • Consultant Ledger
  • Expense Summary
  • Labor Summary
  • Office Earnings
  • Project Earnings
  • Project Progress
  • Project Summary
Project List The Budget Source options that are available are Budget Worksheet and Project Planning.
Employee List The Utilization Ratio column displays.
Planning > Plan Settings > General Tab Various plan settings related to Labor Billing and Cost rates, Consultant and Expense Planning Levels, and Multipliers display.
Planning > Generic Resources Generic Resources are available.
Info Centers
Vision > Info Center > Project > General The Plan and the Utilization Ratio fields display.
Vision > Info Center > Project > Time & Expense The budget-related fields display.
Analysis Cubes
All Cubes Planning data remains available in Analysis Cubes.
Project Review
Budget Source The Budget Source options that are available are Budget Worksheet and Project Planning
Key Conversions The Enable and Disable Phase/Task options on the Generic Resources Key Conversion Utility are accessible.
Search and Replace The Search and Replace Utility is accessible to update tables and fields.