Report When Submitted Dialog Box

Use the Report When Submitted dialog box to set the expense reports to automatically print either a detailed or summarized report each time you submit an expense report for processing.

Your expense report processing capabilities depend on how your system administrator defines settings in Vision. Refer to the options listed in Checklist: Configuring Vision for Navigator Expense Reports for more information, and contact your system administrator if you have questions.

There are two types of reports that you can generate from this dialog:

  • A Detailed Expense Report includes all of the information from the Summarized Report, plus any expense detail information entered on a Detail form.
  • A Summarized Expense Report includes the expense report name and date plus the date, category, description, amount, project number, phase number, task number, billing status, and account number for each expense item included on the report. Expense details are not included on the report.
Note: Selections made on this dialog box are automatically updated in the Print Expense Report Option dialog box in Vision Expense Report.


To open the Report When Submitted dialog box, complete the following step:

Click Expense Report Options and select Print Report when Submitted. The Report When Submitted dialog box displays.


Field Description
Select Report Type Select one of the following as the default printing option for the report that Navigator generates when you submit an expense report for processing. After you select an option, as asterisk displays next to it. This option is automatically selected in Vision Expense Reports as well.
Detailed Expense Report Select this option to print a Detailed Expense report automatically each time that you submit an expense report for processing.
Summarized Expense Report Select this option to print a Summarized Expense report automatically each time that you submit an expense report for processing.
Do Not Print Select this option if you do not want to print either a Detailed or Summarized Expense report each time that you submit an expense report for processing.
Include Attached Receipts This field applies when using Vision 7.3 only. Select this option to print the attached receipts when you print the expense report.

Print Report when Submitted Buttons

Field Description
OK Click this button to automatically print the report.