Selection Set Drop-Down List on Projects Pane

Use the drop-down list at the top of the Projects pane to specify search filters for your project list, or to create custom searches via New Selection Set.

By default, the drop-down list displays the last search criteria used. For example, if the most recently used selection set search was Project Manager, the drop-down defaults to that view:

Option Description
Project Manager This returns all active projects that you can access and to which you are assigned as the project manager. This only applies at the project (WBS1) level.
Principal-in-Charge This returns all active projects that you can access and to which you are assigned as the principal. This only applies at the project (WBS1) level.
Supervisor This returns all active projects that you can access and to which you are assigned as the supervisor. This only applies at the project (WBS1) level.
Organization Level If your firm uses Vision Organizations, the organization levels that display depend on the number of levels that are defined in your firm's organization structure (0-5). Select a level to view active projects that are assigned to the organization level.
New Selection Set Use this option to create a custom project search.