Set the Plan's Budget Type

The new General page in Navigator Plan Settings allows you to select a Budget Type to determine how you want to plan your project - using cost amounts, billing amounts, or a combination of the two. After you select the budget type, all charts, fields, and calculations for the Dashboard and Planning tabs and associated pages update accordingly.

When you first select a project, the Billing and/or Cost options display on the Expenses page based on the type of plan that you are viewing and the default settings that are applied for the Budget Type:
  • For Navigator plans, the Budget Type in Navigator Plan Settings applies.
  • For Vision plans or when you create a new plan, the Budget Type option that is selected on the Rates tab of Vision Project Planning serves as the default setting. If you are not using Vision Resource Planning, the Budget Type is selected in Plan Settings in Vision Configuration.
  • If you are using a project that does not have a plan, Navigator defaults to use the Budget Type that is specified in Vision's Plan Settings. If your firm uses Vision Multicompany, it uses the Budget Type for the project's company.

The Budget Type options are Cost, Billing, or Cost and Billing.