Switch Contract Amounts from Billing Currency to Project Currency
The Contract Planning page may contain Billing and Cost options that allow you to switch from displaying currency amounts at billing to currency amounts at project (cost) for the project. Otherwise, it only displays currency amounts at billing or at project (cost) .
- For Navigator plans, the Budget Type in Navigator Plan Settings applies.
- For Vision plans or when you create a new plan, the Budget Type option that is selected on the Rates tab of Project Planning serves as the default setting. If you are not using Vision Resource Planning, the Budget Type is selected in Plan Settings in Vision Configuration.
- If you are using a project that does not have a plan, Navigator defaults to use the Budget Type that is specified in Vision's Plan Settings. If your firm uses Vision Multicompany, it uses the Budget Type for the project's company. See the View a Project Without a Plan online help topic for more information.
When you have appropriate access rights, you can use Navigator's Plan Settings to change the plan's Budget Type to something other than the default. The options in Navigator's Plan Settings are applied to the current plan and will override the Vision default settings. When you select Billing and Cost as the Budget Type, both options display.
If your firm uses Vision Multicurrency, the currency in use is indicated next to the Billing and Cost options. For example, Billing (USD) displays if you are viewing the plan at billing and in U.S. dollars. The Project Currency is always used when viewing projects and plans at cost. The currency used when viewing projects and plans at billing is determined by a Vision Configuration setting that your system administrator selects. See the Use Project and Billing Currencies online help topic for more information on currencies.
If Vision Multicurrency is not in use but the Budget Type is Billing and Cost, the Billing and Cost options continue to display but the amounts do not update when you select each option because the contract amounts are the same. The only updates that occur are the colors and titles of the chart headers and grid columns.
To switch the contract amounts from billing currency to project currency, complete the following steps:
- Select Contract page. When the Billing option is selected, the Contract page displays the currency amounts at billing and the chart titles and headers update to indicate that billing currency is selected.
Click the Cost option.
The Contract page updates to display currency amounts at project (cost) currency. The chart titles and headers also update to indicate that the project (cost) currency is selected.
Note: The Accounting tab in Configuration > Security > Roles determines your access rights to labor costs rates and amounts in Navigator. When you select Cost as the Budget Type, some information may not display because of your security access. See the Security Settings and Labor Cost Amounts online help topic for more information.