Taxes Dialog Box

If you use the Tax Auditing feature, you can use this dialog box to select the tax code, description, and amount for the current expense item. Use this dialog box to select the tax code, description, and amount for the current expense item.

Depending on your configuration, you may also be able to insert new or delete existing tax codes on this dialog box, or even change the calculated amounts for a tax code.

This dialog box applies only if you use the Tax Auditing feature that is turned on in Configuration > Accounting > Company Settings > Tax Auditing tab.


To open the Taxes dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. Open an expense report.
  2. Select an expense item and click the Edit button in the Total Tax Amount field.


Taxes Row Tools Options

Field Description
Insert Click Insert to insert a new row on the Taxes grid. You must insert a new row for each tax code that you want to enter for an expense line item.
Delete Click Delete to delete the currently selected tax code from the Taxes grid.

Taxes Grid Fields

Field Description
Tax Code Use the lookup in this field to change the tax code or add a new tax code for the expense item. If the Allow staff users to change tax codes option is selected for the category on the Expense Categories tab in Time & Expense Configuration, you can click Insert to insert additional lines and add tax codes to the lookup grid, or click Delete to remove a tax code from the grid. Note that you cannot add the same tax code more than once to the same expense item.

The lookup in the Tax Code field includes tax codes that have been set up on the Tax Codes tab in Configuration > Accounting > Taxes with an Active status and with the Inputs: Employee Expenses option selected.

Note: When you add or remove a tax code, the tax amount for the remaining tax codes recalculates using the rate and the amount in the selected expense row.

Prefilled Tax Codes

The tax codes that prefill in the Tax Code field on the Taxes grid are based on the default tax codes from the category that is entered for the expense item, or the default tax codes that are set on the Tax Auditing tab in Configuration > Accounting > Company Settings. Tax codes do not prefill if a category is not assigned to the expense row.

Description This column prefills with the description of the tax code. You cannot change the description on this grid.
Tax Amount If a rate is assigned to the tax code, this column prefills with the tax amount. The calculation used for this amount is based on the tax code and either the Amount or Net Amount that is entered on the expense row. Navigator first checks the Amount field. If there is a value, it is used to calculate the tax amount. However, if the Amount is zero, and the Net Amount has a value, the Net Amount is used to calculate the tax amount.
  • Amount: The sum of rates for all assigned tax codes.
  • Net Amount: If there is no Amount, the tax code's rate is multiplied by the Net Amount to determine the Tax Amount
Total The sum of all the taxes calculated on the Taxes dialog box displays. This total amount prefills in the Total Tax Amount field on the Expense Report form when you click OK in this dialog box.