Expense Report Form

Use the Expense Report form to enter all the information required to record your expense items.

The expense report form displays fields and a grid. The fields list the general expense data, while the grid displays specific expense charges and payment details. As you enter expense items in the grid, Navigator tracks the expenses entered, the company paid items entered, and the resulting total. This information displays in the lower right corner of the Expense Report form. In the lower left corner, Navigator displays project, phase, task, account, vendor, currency, and exchange information for the currently selected expense line item. Some of these fields are required before you can save and submit the expense report; these required fields are highlighted in yellow and must be completed before you can proceed.

Your expense report processing capabilities depend on how your system administrator defines settings in Vision. Refer to the options listed in Checklist: Configuring Vision for Navigator Expense Reports for more information, and contact your system administrator if you have questions.


To open the expense reports form, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Navigator toolbar, click Navigator Workspace and select Employee.
  2. Click the Expense Reports link and use the My Expense Reports Panel to select an expense report. See the Use the My Expense Reports Panel to Select or Create a Report online help topic for more information.



Field Description
Expense Report Name Enter a name for the expense report, using a maximum of 40 characters. Your ability to edit this column depends on the report's status. This column is required.
Report Date When you create a new report, this column defaults to the current date. You can enter a date directly in this column or select a new date from the calendar if needed.

Your ability to edit this column depends on the report's status.

Report Status The column displays the status of the expense report—In Progress, Submitted, Approved (if Approvals are in use), or Posted. Each expense report has a status value that reflects the current processing stage of the expense report. The status changes as the expense report moves through the workflow.

When the expense report is posted so that payments can be processed in Accounting, the Report Status updates accordingly. In addition, the Payment Status column updates from blank to Paid if the Total Due Amount has been paid to you. See the Expense Report Status online help topic for more information.

Payment Status This column displays the payment status of the expense report — Paid or To Be Paid. This column remains blank until the expense report is posted. If posted and then paid in full, the Payment Status updates to Paid; otherwise, it is To Be Paid until paid in full.

Expense Report Row Tools

Click Row Tools on the Expense Report grid to insert, copy, or delete an expense item on the grid. Row Tools display when the expense report is editable.

Field Description
Insert Click Insert to insert a blank row on the Expense Report grid. A blank row is inserted beneath the current row each time you click Insert.
Copy Click Copy to copy the currently selected expense item's information to a new row beneath it on the Expense Report grid. Vision copies all expense information for the selected expense item to the new row, except for the amounts and expense details.

To copy all data (excluding amounts and any attached receipts) from an existing expense report to a new expense report, click Copy on the Expense Report panel next to the report you want to copy. See the Copy an Existing Expense Report online help topic for more information.

Delete Click Delete to delete the currently selected expense item from the Expense Report grid.

To delete an entire expense report, click Expense Report Options and select Delete Expense Report. Navigator asks you to confirm the delete. Click Yes. The expense report is also removed from the lists on the My Expense Reports panel.

Expense Report Buttons and Links

Use the Save and Submit buttons to save and submit your expense report. If you can attach documents, use the Receipts link to attach receipts to your expense report.

Field Description
Save Click Save to save your entries. This button is enabled when there are unsaved changes on your expense report. Navigator will prompt you to make corrections if there are any missing columns that are required before saving.
Submit Click Submit to submit a completed expense report. See the Submit an Expense Report online help topic for more information.
Receipts This link displays if Vision is configured to allow you to upload and attach documents to certain types of transactions. See the Vision Advanced Technical Administration Guide for detailed information on enabling FILESTREAM and Transactional Document Management (TDM).

Click the Receipts link to open the Expense Report Receipts dialog box and upload receipts for this expense report. You can also use this dialog box to view a list of the expense report's uploaded receipts. See the Expense Reports and Receipts online help topic for more information.

Expense Report Grid

The expense report grid is divided into left and right sides to record your expense items. You can drag the vertical splitter that is located between the two grids to resize each side of the grid to suit your needs.

Many of the expense report grid columns include lookups, which allow you to select from a group of records based on your access rights, system defaults, and the use of validations. See the Use Lookups to Enter Expense Report Data online help topic for more information.

Left Grid Expense Report Fields

Use the left side of the Expense Report grid to enter the date, associated category, and description of your expense item.

Field Description
Approval Status This column displays if Expense Report Line Item Approval is selected in System Expense Report Configuration in Vision > Configuration. Refer to the indicators in this column for each expense line item's approval status. You can hover over each indicator for additional details. Options include:
  • Approved: The expense is approved.
  • Rejected: The expense is rejected. You must edit this expense item and resubmit.
If no indicator displays, either approvals are not required or the expense line item is not approved.
Line This column displays if the Display line number in expense report option is selected in Vision Company Expense Report Configuration. This column displays the sequence number of the expense line, which is useful for reference purposes. For example, if line 3 is for a taxi receipt, then you can write 3 on the physical paper copy of the tax receipt to keep track of the expense.

Upon initial entry, the lines in the Expense Report grid are numbered sequentially within the Line column. However, if you insert a line between existing lines, or delete a line, the order may not remain sequential. For example, if you insert a new line between 1 and 2, then the new line becomes 3 and the order is 1, 3, 2.

Date Enter the date on which you incurred the expense item.

You can enter a date directly in this column or use the calendar to select a date. When you enter a date directly, Navigator automatically formats the date based on the Short Date configuration setting in Options > My Settings.


Categories allow you to enter specific types of expenses using predefined account values.

You can use the Quick Find feature or click in the Category column to use the Expense Report Category Lookup to select a category for the expense item. The categories that display in the lookup depend on your assigned company's and group's expense categories, which are defined by your system administrator. See the Expense Categories online help topic for more information.

When you enter or select a category, the name of the group that is associated with the category displays in this column after the category description.

You must enter a category if your system administrator has set up the Vision Expense Report application to require categories on expense reports.

If you select a category that has a default tax code, or where there is a default tax code assigned to the employee's company, the tax code prefills in the Taxes dialog box that is accessed on the Total Tax Amount column.

If you select a category that is associated with Travel, General, or Business Meals detail types, Navigator displays a message that asks if you want to enter details now about the category. Click Enter Detail Now to open the Detail dialog and enter the respective details, or you can choose to enter them at a later time using the Detail column. See the Detail column description for more information.

Note: Each expense item must have an assigned account. If an account is assigned to a category, the default account displays in the Account column when you select the category. If no account is assigned to the category, you must assign the account before you can submit the report.
Description Enter a brief description of the expense item. This description displays on various expense-related reports and can be printed on invoices.
Detail If the selected Category has associated details, you can use this column to record the additional information about the expense item. Detail information is entered either when you select a category, or by clicking the Edit in the Detail column. When you click Edit, the type of detail dialog box that is assigned to the category displays. Or, if no specific type is assigned, the General Detail dialog box displays. Your system administrator assigns detail types in Configuration > Time & Expense > Expense Categories. Options include:
  • General Detail: This dialog box displays when the selected category is associated with the General detail type or when no category is assigned. Use it to record the business reason for the expense.
  • Business Meals Detail: This dialog box displays when the selected category is associated with the Business Meals detail type. Use this dialog box to enter the business reason for the expense and the name of each person attending the meal.
  • Travel Detail: This dialog box displays when the selected category is associated with the Travel detail type. Use this dialog box to enter the business reason for the expense, where you traveled from and to, and any miles or kilometers involved. If miles/kilometers are assigned and you are using Vision Multicurrency, Navigator checks the Currency Code column to ensure the assigned currency matches the functional currency for the employee's company. If they are different, an error message displays and the Currency Code column changes to the functional currency. In addition, if you make changes to the miles/kilometers, the Amount column on this grid automatically updates accordingly.
Use each of these dialog boxes to record the specific detail information. When you click OK, the dialog box closes and the text Details Added displays in the column. After you enter the details for a category, you can click Edit to edit the details as needed, but you cannot enter text directly in the grid's Detail column.
Note that this column is not editable in the following situations:
  • If No Detail is the Detail Type associated with the category, n/a displays in the Detail column.
  • The expense item is approved.

If you need to delete the detail information, open the Detail dialog box and select Clear All & Close. The detail is removed from the dialog box and the Details Added text is removed from the Detail column.

See the Expense Report Detail dialog box online help topic for additional information.

Right Grid Expense Report Fields

Use the right side of the grid to enter additional details about your expense report charges.

Field Description
Originating Vendor Enter the vendor from whom the expense item was originally purchased. For example, an employee may have paid for a hotel room and a plane ticket. You can associate the expense items with the specific hotel and airlines vendor.

This column displays only if your system administrator selected the Enable Originating Vendor for Employee Expenses and A/P Vouchers option on the Tax Auditing tab in Vision > Configuration > Accounting > Company Settings.

You can use the Quick Find feature or click in the Originating Vendor column to use the Originating Vendor Lookup to select a vendor for the expense item. Vendors included in this list are marked as Approved for processing in the Vendor Info Center and are available based on your security role.

Navigator allows you to select active or inactive vendors, but not dormant vendors.

If you use the Multicompany feature, you can select only vendors that are designated as approved for use for processing for the same company that you are in.

Company Paid This column displays only if your system administrator selected the Allow entry of company paid items option in Configuration > Time & Expense > Company Expense for the employee's company. Select this option if the expense is company paid. Company paid expenses are reimbursed to the vendor, not the employee. This option is not selected by default.

A common example of a company paid item is when you purchase an airline ticket for business travel, and the airline charges your company instead of you for the expense. Your company pays the airline for the ticket, but you add it to your expense report to create an audit trail and charge it to the appropriate project.

If a credit card is assigned to the expense line, the Company Paid option is automatically selected. You cannot modify this column.

Credit Card

If a credit card is assigned to the expense line, the credit card's code will display in the Navigator expense report. Use this display-only column as a reference for the assigned credit card. All credit card updates must be made through Vision Expense Reports.

See the Expense Report topics in the Vision online help for more information.

Merchant Description

If a credit card is assigned to the expense line, the respective merchant description will display in the Navigator expense report. Use this display-only column to view the contents of the MerchantDescription column that was imported into Vision for the credit card charge. This is the merchant or description from the credit card statement that helps employees identify a charge.

See the Expense Report topics in the Vision online help for more information.

Currency Code This column displays only if you are using the Vision Multicurrency feature. Use the Currency Code column to track the currency that applies to the Amount, Total Tax Amount, and Net Amount for each expense item. For example, if you submit an expense report following a business trip to multiple countries, you might enter USD for one line item, EUR for another, and CAD for yet another.

Depending on your configuration settings, there are different ways to populate the Currency Code column:

  • When you insert a new expense item, this column automatically prefills with the functional currency code that is specified for your company.
  • If you need to change the currency, use the Quick Find feature or click in the Currency Code column to use the Currency Lookup to select a currency for the expense item. The lookup includes both the currency code and name that your company can access. The lookup is sorted alphabetically by code.

If you use the Currency Override dialog box to specify a different transaction currency, it will apply to any new expense items that you insert on the grid. See the Currency and Exchange Rate Overrides online help topic for more information.

Note: If you assign miles/kilometers through the Travel detail for the expense report, Navigator checks the Currency Code column to ensure the assigned currency matches the employee's company's functional currency. If they are different, an error message displays, the Currency Code column updates with the employee's company's functional currency, and you cannot modify this column.

If a credit card is assigned to the expense line, the Currency Code from the Credit Card pane prefills in the Currency Code field. Use this display-only field as a reference for the transaction currency code for the credit card charge.

Amount Enter the monetary amount of the expense item. When you enter an amount in this column with Tax Auditing enabled, this Amount column is used for calculating the taxes that prefill in the Total Tax column in this grid.

If amounts are entered in the Payment Amount and Net Amount columns, any updates that are made to those columns will automatically update this Amount column.

If you assign Travel detail to the expense report, and you make changes to the mileage/kilometer-related entries on the Travel Detail dialog box, the Amount automatically updates accordingly.

If you use Vision Multicurrency, the assigned transaction currency and functional currency codes are different, the Amount column is used to calculate the Payment Amount as follows: Amount multiplied by Payment Exchange Rate equals Payment Amount. See the Expense Reports and Multiple Currencies online help topics for more information.

If a credit card is assigned to the expense line, this column displays the amount of the charge in the credit card receipt's currency.

Payment Exchange Rate If you use the Multicurrency feature, use this column to specify the exchange rate. This is the rate at which one currency is exchanged for another.

After you enter the Payment Exchange Rate, it is multiplied by the Amount to calculate the Payment Amount. If you change any of these amounts, the others automatically update based on the designated calculations.

You can change the Payment Exchange Rate if the Currency Code does not match the functional currency for the employee's company. If these amounts are the same, the Payment Amount column displays the same value that is shown in the Amount column and is not editable. If you change the assigned Currency Code, the Payment Exchange Rate automatically updates accordingly.

The Payment Exchange Rate displays a default rate in the following situations:

  • If the transaction currency and functional currency differ, and you use the Currency Override dialog box to specify an override other than None, Navigator applies the exchange rate based on the assigned date or rate method on the Currency Override dialog box.
  • If the transaction currency and functional currency differ, and you use the Currency Override dialog box to specify None as the override, Navigator applies the daily exchange rate that is entered in Vision.
If a credit card is assigned to the expense line, the following is considered for the Payment Exchange Rate:
  • If the expense item is linked to an imported credit card charge and the currency for the Amount differs from the Payment Amount currency (the currency for the primary credit card), Navigator uses the Amount and Payment Amount fields to automatically calculate the exchange rate. You cannot edit this column.
  • If the expense item is not linked to an imported credit card charge but has a credit card assigned, and the currency for the Amount differs from the Payment Amount currency, the exchange rate is recalculated if the date is changed.
Payment Amount If you use the Multicurrency feature, this column displays the amount to be paid to the employee, in their functional currency. This is calculated by multiplying the Amount by the Payment Exchange Rate after any exchange overrides have been applied. As you change these amounts, the others automatically update and are stored in the functional currency of the employee's company.
  • If the Currency Code does not match the company's functional currency, you can enter or change the Payment Amount. If these amounts are the same, the Payment Amount column displays the same value that is shown in the Amount column and is not editable.
  • You can reference the total for all payment amounts on the expense report in the Total Expenses column at the bottom of the form.
If a credit card is assigned to the expense line, this is the amount that will be paid to one of the following:
  • Employee: Non-company paid expenses are made in the functional currency of the employee's company.
  • Credit card company: Company paid expenses that have an assigned credit card are paid in the currency that is assigned to the primary credit card.
  • Merchant or vendor : Company paid expenses that do not have an assigned credit card are paid in the functional currency of the employee's company.
This is the transaction amount in the credit card currency. For example, if a United States employee took a trip to Japan and used a US credit card, the amount in the Payment Amount field is in the US currency.

Note that a red indicator displays in this cell if the amount shown is not in the same currency as the functional currency of the employee's company. This amount is excluded from the expense report totals.

If you change the Amount and Payment Exchange Rate columns, the Payment Amount automatically adjusts accordingly.

Total Tax Amount If you use the Tax Auditing feature, this column displays the calculated tax amount for the expense item. Your configuration options determine if the Total Tax Amount prefills in this column, or if you will have access to the Edit button to open the Taxes dialog box to enter tax code information. This column is gray when it is not editable.

The Total Tax Amount column prefills with a default amount when a category is assigned and it has default tax codes, or if a category is assigned and the Accounting Company Settings has default tax codes. If the selected Category has associated default tax codes entered in Expense Categories Configuration, then the tax rates that are entered for those default tax codes are applied to the Amount column and are used to calculate the total tax amount. You can only change these codes if the Allow staff users to change tax codes option is selected on the Expense Categories form in Configuration > Time & Expense.

When the Total Tax Amount does not prefill and the category's configuration allows, you can click the Edit button to open the Taxes dialog box. Use this dialog box to view, add, or remove tax codes and recalculate the tax amount, or to change the tax amount. When you use the Taxes dialog box to change the amount in the Total Tax Amount column, the amount in the Net Amount column in the Expense Report grid is updated automatically. See the Taxes Dialog Box online help topic for more information.

Net Amount If you use the Tax Auditing feature, this column displays the total net amount. This is calculated as the expense amount in the Amount column minus the tax amount in the Total Tax Amount column.

You can change the amount directly in this column. This results in automatic updates to the amounts in the Amount and Payment Amount columns. For example, if you enter 100.00 as the Net Amount, Navigator applies the tax code's rate of 0.07 for a Total Tax Amount of .07 and calculates an Amount of 100.07.

Project and/or Project Name Depending on the settings chosen by your system administrator, the Expense Report form displays the Project column, the Project Name column, or both columns.

Use these columns to record the project for which the expense was incurred.

  • If Project displays, enter the project number or name. The project number will automatically populate even if you enter the project name.

  • If Project Name displays, enter the project name.

  • If both columns display, enter a project number in the Project column, and the project name displays automatically in the Project Name column.

You can use the Quick Find feature or click in these columns to use the Project Lookup. See the Use Lookups to Enter Expense Report Data online help topic for more information.

There are additional settings that impact what projects will display in the Expense Report lookup. See the Checklist: Configuring Vision for Navigator Expense Report Lookups online help topic for detailed information:
  • Apply Project access to: Expense Report: If selected, the projects are filtered based on the Project settings on the Record Access tab in Configuration > Security > Roles.
  • Treat inactive Projects as dormant: If selected on the Setup tab in Configuration > Time & Expense > Company Expense, the Project lookup does not include inactive project records. When it is not selected, the project lookup will include inactive projects but, if you select an inactive project, Navigator will prompt you to confirm its use.
Phase and/or Phase Name Depending on the settings chosen by your system administrator, the Expense Report form displays the Phase column, the Phase Name column, or both columns.

Use these columns to record the phase that is associated with the project for which the expense was incurred.

  • If Phase displays, enter the phase number. The phase number will automatically populate even if you enter the phase name.

  • If Phase Name displays, enter the phase name.

  • If both columns display, enter a phase number in the Phase column, and the phase name displays automatically in the Phase Name column.

You can use the Quick Find feature or click in these columns to use the Phase/Task lookup. See the Use Lookups to Enter Expense Report Data online help topic for more information.

There are additional settings that impact what phases/tasks will display in the Phase/Task lookup. The phases that display in the lookup and quick find depend on the Treat inactive Projects as dormant setting on the Setup tab of Configuration > Time & Expense > Company Expense. If selected, the Phase lookup does not include inactive phase records. See the Checklist: Configuring Vision for Navigator Expense Report Lookups online help topic for detailed information.

Task and/or Task Name Depending on the settings chosen by your system administrator, the Expense Report form displays the Task column, the Task Name column, or both columns.

Use these columns to record the task that is associated with the project for which the expense was incurred.

  • If Task displays, enter the task number. The task number will automatically populate even if you enter the task name.

  • If Task Name displays, enter the task name.

  • If both Task and Task Name display, enter a task number in the Task column and the task name displays automatically in the Task Name column.

You can use the Quick Find feature or click in these columns to use the Phase/Task lookup. See the Use Lookups to Enter Expense Report Data online help topic for more information.

There are additional settings that impact what phases/tasks will display in the Phase/Task lookup. The phases that display in the lookup and quick find depend on the Treat inactive Projects as dormant setting on the Setup tab of Configuration > Time & Expense > Company Expense. If selected, the Phase lookup does not include inactive phase records. See the Checklist: Configuring Vision for Navigator Expense Report Lookups online help topic for detailed information.


Select this check box to indicate that the project's client should be billed for the expense item. This check box is only enabled when the project is a Regular charge type.

This column works in conjunction with the Bill by Default and Billable Message columns on the Time & Expense tab of Info Center > Project. Navigator automatically defaults to select this option when:
  • The Bill by Default option is set to Yes for the lowest level of the project's Work Breakdown Structure on the Time & Expense tab of Info Center > Project.
  • A category is assigned to the lowest level of the project's Work Breakdown Structure and the Bill by Default option is set to Category on the Time & Expense tab of Info Center > Project. In this case, the Bill check box in Navigator defaults to match the category's Bill by Default setting on the Expense Categories form in Configuration > Time & Expense.

Account and/or Account Name Depending on the settings chosen by your system administrator, the Expense Report form displays the Account column, the Account Name column, or both columns.
  • If Account displays, enter the account number.
  • If Account Name displays, enter the account name.
  • If both columns display, enter an account number in the Account column, and the account name displays automatically in the Account Name column.
  • If no account column displays, you do not need to enter an account. However, you must assign a category so an account can be associated with the expense.
An account number may prefill automatically in this column depending on the category, project, phase, task, and billing options that you enter for the expense item and the expense report configuration options that are selected by your system administrator. See the Checklist: Configuring Vision for Navigator Expense Reports online help topic for more information.
Use the Quick Find feature or click in the Account column to use the Account Lookup. If you use the Account Lookup, the lookup results list is based on the project's charge type as follows:
  • Overhead or Promotional — The accounts that display are indirect, asset, liability, net worth, and other charges.
  • Regular (and the Bill option is selected) — The accounts that display are reimbursable and reimbursable consultant.
  • Regular (and the Bill option is not selected) — The accounts that display are direct and direct consultant.
Note: If a Category or an Account are not entered on your expense report, Navigator will display an error message when you submit your report. Each expense item must have an assigned account. If an account is assigned to a category, the default account displays in the Account column when you select the category. If no account is assigned to the category, you must assign the account before you can submit the report.
Receipts Use this column to associate receipts with the expense item. This column displays if Vision is configured to allow you to upload and attach documents to certain types of transactions. See the Vision Advanced Technical Administration Guide for detailed information on enabling FILESTREAM and Transactional Document Management (TDM).

Select an expense item and click Attach Receipts in the Receipts column. The Attached Receipts dialog box displays listing all receipts that are attached to the expense report. Use this dialog box to upload a receipt or select the Attached to Selected Expense check box to select a receipt to attach to the current expense item. If a receipt is already attached to the expense item, click Receipts Attached instead. Note that this image is highlighted in blue to indicate that receipts are already attached to the expense item.

Display Fields

The fields below the Expense Report grid display expense information for the row that you currently have selected in the Expense Report grid. The information in these fields changes as you move from row to row.

Note: The fields that display depend on how your system administrator defines settings in Vision. Refer to the options listed in Checklist: Configuring Vision for Navigator Expense Reports for more information.

Any combination of the following fields may display:

  • Project: Project name
  • Phase: Phase name
  • Task: Task name
  • Account: Account name
  • Transaction Currency: If you use the Multicurrency feature, this field displays the transaction currency.
  • Exchange Override: If you use the Multicurrency feature, this field displays the currency and exchange override information (date or rate) as entered on the Exchange Override dialog box. If you enter a new value in the Payment Exchange Rate field, this field also displays the override rate.
  • Originating Vendor: This is the originating vendor entered in the expense report grid.

Totals Fields

The Totals fields display total amounts for the items in the Expense Reports grid. The fields that display may contain a combination of the fields listed below.

Note: The fields that display depend on how your system administrator defines settings in Vision. Refer to the options listed in Checklist: Configuring Vision for Navigator Expense Reports for more information.

If using the Multicurrency feature, these amounts display in the currency in which you will be reimbursed. This is the functional currency for your assigned company.

Field Description
Total Expenses This field displays the total monetary amount of all the expense items on the expense report as listed in the Amount column. This includes any company paid items.

However, if you use the Multicurrency feature, this field displays the total monetary amount of all the expense items on the expense report as listed in the Payment Amount column, including company paid items. This uses the functional currency of the employee's company.

If a credit card is assigned to the expense line and Multicurrency enabled, this field displays the total monetary amount for the amounts in the Payment Amount column that are in the employee's functional currency only. Amounts for other currencies are not applied and a red indicator in the Total Expenses column indicates that are amounts that were excluded from the total.

Company Paid The Company Paid field displays the total for all Amount rows where the Paid check box is selected.

This field displays if the Allow entry of company paid items check box is selected on the Setup Tab of Configuration > Time & Expense > Company Expense.

If you use the Multicurrency feature, the Payment Amount column displays and the Company Paid field displays the total amount for all rows where the Company Paid check box is selected. The Company Paid amount reduces the amount that you are owed for your expenses.

If a credit card is assigned to the expense line and Multicurrency enabled, this field displays the total amount for all rows where the Company Paid option is selected and the amounts are in the employee's functional currency.

Amount Advanced Enter the total monetary amount of any advances you have received that should be applied to the expense report.

Advances represent cash provided to you by your firm to cover expected expenses. An advance reduces the amount owed to you.

The Amount Advanced field displays on the Expense Report form only if your system administrator selects Allow users to specify applied advance amounts on the Setup Tab of Configuration > Time & Expense > Company Expense.

If you use the Multicurrency feature, the amount in this field uses the functional currency of the employee's company.

Total Due This field displays the total amount that your firm owes to you for the expenses included on the expense report. This amount is calculated by adding all the expense items on the expense report and then subtracting the amount of any advances and company paid items.