Use Comments with Invoices

You can use the Accounts Receivable Comments dialog box to enter, review, and edit comments for the client, invoice, client's projects, project's invoices, or credit memos related to the invoice. This is useful for maintaining detailed information about each invoice entry. This dialog box displays all comments that have been entered for the client, including those that were entered in Vision. Sharing the comments between Vision and Navigator ensures that you have all of the information that is related to the invoice in one location.

The ability to enter comments for your invoices is based on your role's access rights that are assigned on the Accounting tab of Vision Role Security:
  • Accounts Receivable Comment Review Access: Full access allows your role to see all comments, By User access allows you to only see your own comments, and None prevents access to comments.
  • Accounts Receivable Comment Update Access: Full access allows your role to add, edit, or delete comments; By User access allows you to add new comments as well as edit or delete comments where you were the last one to update the comment; and None prevents access to comments.