Use Lookups to Enter Expense Report Data

Use the Navigator Expense Report lookups to make expense report data entry faster and easier.


The active data field determines the lookup list that opens. For example, if you are in the Project field and click the lookup button, the Project/Phase/Task lookup opens with a list of projects displayed. You can use the Search field to further filter the lookup results.

See the Checklist: Configuring Vision for Navigator Expense Report Lookups for information on how Expense Report lookups are configured in Vision.

When you open your expense report in Navigator, the lookups that display can be a combination of any of the following shown in the table below. If the Automatically retrieve records when opening lookups option is selected in Vision's Configuration > General > System Settings, Navigator searches for all records related to the lookup. And, if a lookup limit rule is in place, Navigator applies the limit when the search takes place.

Field Description
Lookup Purpose How to Access

Expense report categories are groups of predefined expense information that allow you to apply values to expenses. For example, you can create an expense category called Auto that groups travel related accounts together (mileage, repairs, rental cars, etc.). When you open the Expense Report Category lookup on the Expense Report form, the Auto category is included in the lookup list.

Select the category that you want to enter on your expense report. The lookup includes the name of the expense category that the employee group is associated with. Each employee is only shown the categories associated with groups they have access to.

Click in the Category field on the Expense Report form.
Originating Vendor Select the vendor from whom the expense item was originally purchased. For example, an employee may have paid for a plane ticket. You can associate the expense items with the specific airlines vendor.

Vendors included in this list are marked as Approved for processing in the Vendor Info Center and are available based on your security role.

Click in the Originating Vendor field on the Expense Report form.
Currency Code If your firm uses Vision Multicurrency, select the currency that applies to the expense line item. This lookup lists all currency codes that are enabled for your assigned company. Click in the Currency Code field on the Expense Report form.
Tax Code If your firm uses tax codes, select the tax code that applies to the expense line item. If the selected Category has default tax codes and the Allow staff users to change tax codes option is selected in Vision Expense Categories, you can change tax codes for the expense.

This lookup displays any tax code in the employee's company that has an active status and the then the tax rates that are entered for the default tax codes are only calculated on tax codes that are active and he Inputs: Employee Expenses option selected at Configuration > Accounting > Taxes.

Click in the Tax Code field to access the Taxes dialog box and the Tax Code lookup.


Select the project that is associated with the expense line item.

Depending on the settings chosen by your system administrator, the Expense Report form displays the Project field, the Project Name field, or both fields. If both fields are shown, the lookup displays in the Project field.

The projects that display in the lookup depend on your access rights in Vision Security and your configuration settings.

Click in the project field on the Expense Report form.


If the selected project has associated phases, select the phase that you want to enter on your expense report. If the selected phase has associated tasks, select the task.

Depending on the settings chosen by your system administrator, the Expense Report form displays the Phase field, the Phase Name field, or both. The same applies to tasks. If both fields are shown, the lookup displays in the Phase and Task fields.

The phases and tasks that display in the lookup depend on your access rights in Vision Security and your configuration settings.

Click in the phase or task field on the Expense Report form.
Account If shown, select the account that will be debited for the expense. Depending on the settings chosen by your system administrator, the Expense Report form displays the Account field, the Account Name field, or both fields.

If you use the Multicompany feature, the only accounts that display in the lookup are those that are available to the associated project's company.

Click in the Account field on the Expense Report form.
Search All lookups include a Search option. After you open a lookup, you can use the Search field to search the list of records in the lookup. Enter either a single character (for example, the letter "a" or the number 3) or a string of characters (" ab" or "13") .
  • If you enter a single character, Navigator searches for every record that contain that character.
  • If you enter more than one character, Navigator searches for every record that contains that string of characters.
  • For whole word searches, enter a space before and after the word to search for only that word.
Enter the desired text in this field and click the Search button to locate the matching results.

For lookups where there is more than one column, (for example, the Expense Report Category lookup contains an Expense Report Category column and an Employee Group column), Navigator searches for matches in all columns.

Even though the project's long name does not display in Navigator, for Project, Phase, and Task lookups, Navigator searches the project number and project long and short names that are entered in Vision. If you need to further refine the list of records, you can also use the Sort option to sort the lookup results by Name or Number.