Vision Screen Designer and Navigator Expense Reports

The Vision Screen Designer allows system administrators to tailor screens and tabs to meet the requirements of their organization and individual users. When the Screen Designer is used to update elements in the Vision Expense Report application, the same updates are automatically applied to Navigator Expense Report.

Vision's Security settings are applied to the screen elements, including input fields, grids, and column headings within grids when the Screen Designer is used. This allows the system administrator to determine, by Security role, if the element is visible, hidden, or required and whether or not users can enter data in a field. These same access rights are applied to the Navigator elements as well. See the Vision > Configuration > Screen Designer online help topics for more information.

Some of the Expense Report elements that your system administrator may change include:

  • Labels
  • Hidden, locked, and required settings

Because of differences in screen layout and size, when your system administrator updates the Expense Report screen in Vision, the layout of the same screen in Navigator may be may negatively impacted. The system administrator may need to adjust field and label length in Vision for the Navigator screen to display properly.

Note: Layout changes do not apply to Navigator Expense Report.

The Vision Screen Designer supports custom online help but this feature is not available in Vision Navigator.