Vision Features and Navigator Data

There are certain options and utilities within Vision that impact Navigator data.


Field Description
Planning > Project Planning: Include in Utilization and Project Reports If a project is mapped to multiple Vision plans and this option is selected on the plans, the Navigator totals are the combined value of the plans mapped to the project.
Utilities > Key Conversions: Enable Phases/Tasks If you run a key conversion to start using the phase or task level for a project with a Navigator plan, existing planned resource rows are moved down to the new lowest level.
Utilities > Key Conversions: Disable Phases/Tasks If you run a key conversion to stop using the phase or task level for a project with a Navigator plan, the following occurs:
  • Existing planned labor, expenses, and consultants resource rows at the lower level are moved up in the WBS.
  • Planned labor rows for the same resource are combined when moved up under the same WBS ID.
  • Planned consultant rows are combined when they are moved up under the same WBS ID and have the same account and consultant name.
  • Planned expense rows are combined when they are moved up under the same WBS ID and have the same account and vendor.
Utilities > Advanced Utilities: > Search and Replace When a Search and Replace is performed on the Project Planning application area, Vision Navigator plans are excluded from the Plan Lookup.