You can export cash flow forecast data from the Cash Flow Forecast submodule to Excel, Notepad, or PDF.
To perform this procedure, you must have access to
Finance & Administration as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under
To export cash flow forecast data to Excel or PDF:
On the main toolbar, click
Finance & Administration
In the left pane of the Finance screen, click
If you have more than one company in your system, use the drop-down list above the left pane of the Finance & Administration module to select the company that will use the cash flow forecast for which you want to create a cash flow forecast.
From the drop-down list next to the grid tabs, select the cash flow forecast whose data you want to export.
Click the Summary tab or the Cost Types Setup tab.
In the header of the left-most column click
, and click
Export grid data on the drop-down menu.
In the Export data dialog box, select from the following options:
- Microsoft Excel Open XML Format Spreadsheet (XLSX)
- Text file (CSV or custom separator)
- Portable Document Format (PDF)
By default, WorkBook includes the header row and group data in the export. You can clear the check boxes for these options. The option to include group data is useful only if your system supports data grouping. Otherwise, selecting or clearing this option does not have an impact on the exported file.
WorkBook generates the file and displays the file icon at the bottom of your browser.
To open the file, click the file icon.