Data Import Utility

Use the Data Import utility to bring records from outside sources into the Ajera CRM database.

You can import the following types of data:

  • Info Center — Update existing records or create new records, including Clients, Contacts, Leads, Marketing Campaigns, Opportunities, Employees, Projects, Vendors, Accounts, and Custom tab fields and grids.
  • Historical Data — Populate a new Ajera CRM database.

Data Import Actions

When you import a record, Ajera CRM:

  • Brings the record into the Import utility.
  • Validates the record against your database and configuration, checking it for errors.
  • Displays a count of the number of rows imported (labeled Input Rows).
  • Imports all valid records into Ajera CRM.
  • Leaves any non-valid records in an error table for review, correction, and re-validation.

Considerations in Using Data Import

You can run the Data Import utility yourself. However, Deltek strongly recommends that you discuss the process with a Deltek representative before you begin.

To access all of the record tables from this utility, you must contact your Deltek representative for a password.

Before you begin importing data, you should:

  • Discuss your firm's work breakdown structure with your Deltek representative.
  • Organize and map data into the correct format.

Field Inclusion and Order When Importing

The Import utility allows you to determine which fields you want to import and their sequence. Certain fields are required. If you do not include a required field, Ajera CRM displays a message on an error report to alert you.

Ajera CRM Tables

You use Ajera CRM tables to update and correct invalid records. Contact a Deltek representative for more information.

Import Excel Files

To import an Excel file, save the Excel file as a comma-delimited text file. Then import the Excel file with the same steps you use to import a text file. This can be a comma-delimited .csv file or a tab-delimited text file.

Update Existing Records

To update existing Info Center information, select the Allow updates option on the Main tab of the Import Utility form. This option only applies to individual Info Center records.

If you are updating an existing record, you need to map the key field (for example, Employee Number) and the fields that you are updating. Include only those records in the source file that have a value. If a blank is found in the source file, the blank is imported over the data currently in the field.