Calendar and Activities Security

Your system administrator sets up security access rights to calendar and activity functions based on your role. The access rights defined for your role determine what scheduling options are available to you.

Your system administrator sets your role's access to the Activity Calendar and the Activity Manager on the General tab of Security Roles Configuration.

Activity Calendar

Your Activity Calendar is a personal scheduling tool that allows you to manage your own activities. You can share your calendar data with other employees at your firm; they, in turn, can share their calendar data with you. Before you can share your Activity Calendar with other users, your system administrator must select the Allow users to share calendar check box on the Calendar tab of General System Setup.

Activity Record Level View and Update Options

Your system administrator uses the Record Access tab of Security Roles Configuration to set your role's access to Info Center records (Record Level View) and your ability to create, modify, copy, view, and delete activities for those records to which you have access (Record Level Update).

For example, if you are a project manager, you may have access to only the project records that you manage, with full access to all activity functions for those projects. Or, you may have access to all project records, but activity access to only the projects that you manage.

Your system administrator can also restrict activity access based on activity details, such as activity owner or attendee name.

Your system administrator can assign the following record update rights to activities:

  • Read Only — Users with Read Only access can view activities, but they cannot create, modify, copy, or delete activities.
  • Modify — Users with Modify access can view activities and modify activity details, but they cannot create new activities, copy, or delete activities.
  • Add/Modify — Users with Add/Modify access can view activities, modify activity details, create new activities, and copy activities, but they cannot delete activities.
  • Full — Users with Full access can create new activities, modify, copy, view, and delete activities.

Record update rights (for activities) apply only to the Activities grid on the Activity Manager form and the Activities grids in the Info Center. They do not apply to the Activity Calendar. Your Info Center record update rights override your activity update rights.