Dashpart Types

Your security role determines the types of dashparts that you can display on your Dashboard.

When you add a system dashpart, you select one of the following dashpart types for it on the Add System Dashpart dialog box:

Dashpart Type Description
Activities The Activities dashpart is a calendar of your day's events, both business and personal. The events may be meetings, reminders, deadlines, alerts, and so on. This dashpart contains dynamic content and updates accordingly. For example, if an appointment is rescheduled, the information changes in the dashpart. Information in your Activities dashpart can be shared among team members.

Use your activity calendar to review, add, and modify your activities. You can view your calendar by day, week, or month. You can also update your calendar from the Dashboard.

Applications You can add a dashpart that contains links to open the Ajera CRM applications that you use most frequently.
Info Center You can add dashparts that link to the Info Centers that you use most frequently and populate these with the Info Center records you use most frequently. You can see only those records to which your security role has access rights.

You can create new Info Center records from the Dashboard. You cannot create new proposal records from the Dashboard.

Links The Links dashpart provides you with one-click access to your frequently used web sites, email addresses, and documents. It contains one or more URLs, email addresses, or other links. You can create multiple instances of the Links dashpart, with different dashpart names (for example, "Team Email Addresses." You can also mix different types of links in a single dashpart.
Proposals You can create custom proposals as well as standard SF254, SF255, and SF330 proposals for government contracts. From the Proposals dashpart, you can link to your most frequently used proposals. This allows quick access to employee and consultant resumes, project experience, graphics files, firm profiles, and narrative text. You can also use queries to find the applicable employee and project records quickly.
Reports You can add a dashpart that contains links to the global and favorite reports that you use most frequently. From this dashpart, you can view reports, organize reports by role, schedule reports, email reports, and so on, just as you can from elsewhere in Ajera CRM.

Alerts are a workflow function designed to remind you of calendar events, project changes, or project tasks to be assigned. They display on the dashboard in the Alerts dashpart.

The Deltek Customer Care Alerts dashpart displays the current user's Customer Care alerts, and is the same web part that appears on Deltek's Customer Care web site. If you don't have a Ajera CRM support username and password in the Ajera CRM database, the error message "invalid username or password" displays in this dashpart. Each week, an alert is sent to the Deltek Customer Care Alerts dashpart, describing all of the available Ajera CRM hot fixes released for the current version since the last alert. The alert is available to all who are running the latest release and to employees who are designated as their company's Primary Contact.