Export Rules determine when and how data is grouped and extracted from the system tables. Export Rules are created on the Calc Rule form. Each rule is expressed as an IF-THEN statement. The IF portion contains one or more conditions, and the THEN portion contains one or more actions. When the condition is met, the action is executed.
A description of each Export Rule Operand is listed below, along with the Export Context for which the operand is designed.
The following is a list of the available operands for the ExportRuleset. For a list of the operands that can be used with a particular Export Context, see Export Contexts and Operands.
Performs a comparison between the two string values specified in the parameters.
Export Context: This operand is an "operator" operand that can be used with any Export Context.
First Value, Second Value = Enter the values that you want this operand to compare.
Use this operand to export a value that a user entered at an event prompt.
The SAP_ZERO_CONF21 Export Definition uses rules with this operand to get the Order Number and Operation Number to export. See Send Zero Order Confirmation to SAP.
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
Prompt Name = Enter the prompt name for which you want to find the value (e.g., F_ORDER_NUM, F_OPERATION_NUM).
This rule gets the value that was entered for the Order Number event prompt.
Is Export Record Not Empty( )
Set Output( Get Action Prompt Value( F_ORDER_NUM ) )
Use this operand to export the Auxiliary (Bonus) Hours in a transaction that do not draw from a balance.
Note: To export the Auxiliary Hours that draw from a balance, use the Get Balance Duration operand.
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
Auxiliary Number = Select the number of the Auxiliary Duration column in the trans_action_duration table that you want to check. For example, select 1 to select the auxiliary1_pay_designator column.
This rule exports the Auxiliary Hours from the auxiliary1_pay_designator column in the trans_action_duration table with the pay designator BBB.
IF Is Record Type( AUXILIARY_1
) And Is Auxiliary Pay Code( 1, BBB )
THEN Set Output Double( Get Auxiliary Duration( 1 ) ) And Stop Processing(
Use this operand to export the Auxiliary (Bonus) Hours in a transaction that draw from a balance. This operand selects records from the trans_action_duration_balance table, which contains records for the balance splits associated with transactions. See Auxiliary Hours for Events That Draw from Balances for more information. There will only be records in this table if the transaction has a leave type code in trans_action_data and has an auxiliary duration.
Note: To export the Auxiliary Hours that do not draw from a balance, use the Get Auxiliary Duration operand.
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
Record Type = Select BASE to select the portion of the transaction that does not include Auxiliary (Bonus) Hours. Select AUXILIARY_1, AUXILIARY_2, etc. to select the Auxiliary Hours in a transaction. Select the AUXILIARY option that corresponds to the transaction duration column where the Auxiliary Hours are stored.
Balance (Leave Type) Code = Indicates the Leave Type Code from which the hours were drawn. Select the ANY option to include transactions that drew from any leave type codes. Select NONE to include transactions that drew from no leave type code.
Example – This rule will export the Auxiliary Hours duration for BASE records with the BBB pay code:
Is Record Type( BASE )
And Is Pay Code( BBB )
Set Output Double( Get Balance Duration( AUXILIARY_1, ANY ) )
Stop Processing( )
Use this parameter to return the specified date (Pay Date, Posting Date, or Today) as a number based on the specified Date Format. This operand may be used to compare dates.
Export Context: Labor
Posting Date Type = Select the date you want to find (Pay Date, Posting Date, or Today).
Date Format = Select the format that will be used to show the date as a number. Select Milliseconds, YYMM, YYMMDD, YYYYMM, or YYYYMMDD.
Get Date With Format as Number(
Posting Date, YYYYMM ) Less Than Get Date With Format as Number( Today,
Set First Date of the Month( Today )
This operand returns the value of the specified Assignment Type for the person and post date on the transaction being processed.
Export Context: Person
Assignment Type = Select the Assignment Type for which you want the operand to return a value. Assignment Types are configured in the Assignment tab of the Employee form.
Gets the number of posted hours.
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
Get Duration () Greater Than 0
Gets the labor_amount from the trans_action_duration_dtl table. This information is also visible in the Labor Amount column in the Transaction Duration Detail tab form.
Export Context: Labor
Gets the labor_rate from the trans_action_duration_dtl table. This information is also visible in the Labor Rate column in the Transaction Duration Detail tab form.
Export Context: Labor
Gets the payroll_amount from the trans_action_duration_dtl table. This information is also visible in the Payroll Amount column in the Transaction Duration Detail tab form.
Export Context: Payroll
Gets the payroll_rate from the trans_action_duration_dtl table. This information is also visible in the Payroll Rate column in the Transaction Duration Detail tab form.
Export Context: Payroll
Finds the rate for a transaction detail (trans_action_duration_dtl) record that is generated for a specific premium.
Export Contexts: Labor and Payroll
Detail Record Type = Select the type of premium you want the operand to find.
Rate Type = Select the rate (Payroll or Labor) that you want the operand to get for the premium (Detail Record Type).
Gets the shift number for the transaction from the trans_action_duration table.
Export Contexts: Labor, Payroll, and Transaction
The following rule example looks for a match between the transaction’s Shift Number (in trans_action_duration) and “2” as a Current Shift Number in the trans_action_assignment table. If the Shift Numbers in trans_action_duration and trans_action_assignment match, then the Shift Number from trans_action_duration is returned in the output file.
Equals( 2, Get Transaction Assignment( SHIFT, Current ) )
Set Output( Get Duration Shift Num( ) )
Note: For the Assignment Type SHIFT, the trans_action_assignment table stores the Shift ID (as defined in the shift_definition table). However, the Get Transaction Assignment operand will return the corresponding Shift Number (shift_num in the shift_definition table).
This operand returns the end date of the period for which the data is being exported.
Export Context: Action and Payroll
Get Hours Classification String
This operand returns the hours classification of the transaction currently being processed.
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
Selects the employee’s Paid Labor Rate if it meets
the criteria specified by the rule. Click the
icon to select the operand that specifies the amount that should be
Export Context: Labor
Get Paid Labor Rate Amount () Equal To 25
Selects the employee’s Paid Labor Rate from a specific
source (the Trans Rate or Vendor Rate table) if the rate meets the
criteria specified by the rule. Click the icon
to select the operands that specify the source and amount that should
be selected.
Export Context: Labor
Get Paid Labor Rate Amount By Source(Trans Rate) Equal To 45
Selects the employee’s Paid Payroll Rate if it meets
the criteria specified by the rule. Click the
icon to select the operand that specifies the amount that should be
Export Context: Payroll
Get Paid Payroll Rate Amount () Equal To 25
Selects the employee’s Paid Payroll Rate from a specific
source (the Trans Rate or Vendor Rate table) if the rate meets the
criteria specified by the rule. Click the icon
to select the operands that specify the source and amount that should
be selected.
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
Get Paid Labor Rate Amount By Source(Trans Rate) Equal To 45
This operand returns the end date of the pay period containing the current transaction, using the pay date of the transaction currently being processed as the date of reference.
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
This operand returns the amount of pay based on the transaction's duration. The payroll amount is the transaction's duration (in hours) multipled by the paid payroll rate; both of these values are from the trans_action_duration record.
Export Context: Payroll
This operand returns the Ad Hoc Code Value from the Ad Hoc Code Name specified in the parameter. These codes and values are defined in the Ad Hoc tab of the Employee form.
Export Context: Person
Ad Hoc Code Name = Select the Ad Hoc Code Name. Available options are defined in the Ad Hoc tab of the Employee form.
Returns the value of a specific Person Assignment Type. The parameter indicates which type of assignment will be returned (HOME_LOCATION, ADHOC_RATE, etc.).
Export Context: Person
Assignment Type = Indicates the Assignment Type of the value that will be returned. Available options are defined in the Assignment tab of the Employee form.
For example:
IF Has Person Assignment (HOME_LOCATION_HR)
THEN Set Output Using Data Type (Get
Person Assignment (HOME_LOCATION_HR), String)
Returns the value of a specific Person Assignment Type with a decimal value. The parameter indicates which assignment will be returned.
This operand is similar to the Get Person Assignment operand. However, this operand includes the Add Operator and Add Value parameters to allow for specific calculations.
Export Context: Person
Person Assignment Type = Indicates the Assignment Type of the value that will be returned. Available options are Assignment Types with decimal values defined in the Assignment tab of the Employee form: ADHOC_RATE1-4, PERSON_LABOR_RATE, and PERSON_PAYROLL_RATE.
Add Operator = Select the operator to be used with the Person Assignment Type.
Divide = Divides the previous parameter by the parameter that follows.
Equal To = Tests whether the previous input parameter is equal to the parameter that follows.
Greater Than = Tests whether the previous input parameter is greater than the parameter that follows.
Greater Than Equal To = Tests whether the previous input parameter is greater than or equal to the parameter that follows.
Less Than = Tests whether the previous input parameter is less than the parameter that follows.
Less Than Equal To = Tests whether the previous input parameter is less than or equal to the parameter that follows.
Minus = Subtracts the next parameter from the previous parameter.
Multiply = Multiplies the previous parameter by the parameter that follows.
Not Equal To = Tests whether the previous and the parameter that follows are not equal.
Plus = Adds the previous parameter to the parameter that follows.
Add Value = Determines the value that the Person Assignment Type parameter is compared to or calculated with (depending on which option was chosen for the Add Operator parameter). Enter a numeric value or right-click to add an operand to calculate the value.
For example:
Is Pay Code (VAC) And
Has Person Assignment (ADHOC_RATE1) And
Is Split Record Type Base ()
Set Output Double (Get Paid Payroll Rate Amount () Multiply Get
Person Assignment Double (ADHOC_RATE1) Divide 8)
Stop Processing ()
This operand returns the value of an Assignment Type for the person ID on the transaction that is in effect on the transaction's pay period end date.
Export Context: Person
Assignment Type = Select the Assignment Type for which you want the operand to return a value. Assignment Types are configured in the Assignment tab of the Employee form.
Returns the value of a specific Person Assignment, Trans Action Account, or Trans Action Data Field.
Export Context: Person Info
Info Name = Right-click the Info Name parameter and select the operand for the value you want to select: Get Person Assignment, Get Trans Action Account, or Get Trans Action Data Field.
Add Operator = Select the operator to be used with the selected Info Name.
Divide = Divides the previous parameter by the parameter that follows.
Equal To = Tests whether the previous input parameter is equal to the parameter that follows.
Greater Than = Tests whether the previous input parameter is greater than the parameter that follows.
Greater Than Equal To = Tests whether the previous input parameter is greater than or equal to the parameter that follows.
Less Than = Tests whether the previous input parameter is less than the parameter that follows.
Less Than Equal To = Tests whether the previous input parameter is less than or equal to the parameter that follows.
Minus = Subtracts the next parameter from the previous parameter.
Multiply = Multiplies the previous parameter by the parameter that follows.
Not Equal To = Tests whether the previous and the parameter that follows are not equal.
Plus = Adds the previous parameter to the parameter that follows.
Add Value = Determines the value that the Info Name parameter is compared to or calculated with (depending on which option was chosen for the Add Operator parameter). Enter a numeric value or right-click to add an operand to calculate the value.
Sets the output value to the value specified in the Info Name parameter.
Export Context: Person Info
Info Name = Right-click this parameter and select one of the following values: Get Duration Shift Num, Get Person Assignment, Get Person Assignment String, Get Trans Action Account, Get Trans Action Data Field, or Get Transaction Assignment.
Example – Set SAP Activity Type rule
Is Person Info Set( ACTIVITY_TYPE )
Set Output( Get Person Info String(
Finds the vendor rate (from the person_vendor_rate table) based on the Rate Type (Pay or Labor), Shift Number, and Hours Classification of the transaction. The rates in the person_vendor_rate table are imported to the application and can be viewed in the Vendor Rate tab of the Employee form.
Export Context: Person
Rate Class = Indicates the Rate Type – Pay or Labor.
Shift Number = Can be set to All or a shift number defined in the Shift Definition form. Select All to select a vendor rate defined for any shift.
Hours Classification = Can be set to All or an hours classification defined in the Hours Class Group form. Select All to select a vendor rate defined for any hours classification.
Gets the Shift Premium Rate from the shift_premium table for the Shift ID associated with the transaction. This rate can be a fixed amount or a percentage. See Shift Definition for more information.
Export Contexts: Labor and Payroll
Rate Type = Select the type of rate for which you want to get the shift premium. Select paid_labor_rate_amount, paid_payroll_rate_amount, or total_time_labor_rate.
Gets the Total Time Labor Rate from the trans_action_duration table. See Total Time Accounting for more information.
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
Gets the Account Number from the trans_action_account table.
Export Context: Labor
Account Num = Indicates which Account field to use (1 to 5). For example, if you enter 1, then the field trans_action_account.account1 is used.
Gets a specific value from the trans_action_data table.
Export Context: Labor
Trans Action Data Type = Select Expenditure Type, JobCode, OperationNum, Position, PremiumCode, Project Num, Task Num or WorkOrder.
This operand returns the ID of the transaction being exported, using the string data type.
Export Context: Labor and Transaction
This operand finds the value of the Trans Action Map Type parameter (Flex1, Flex2, etc.) attached to the current transaction.
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
Trans Action Map Type = Select Flex1, Flex2, Flex3, Flex4, or Flex5.
Gets the Paid Pay Rate (paid_payroll_rate_amount) from the trans_action_duration table.
Export Context: Payroll
IF Is Duration Not Zero( ) And Is Hours Class(R
THEN Set Output Double(Get Trans Duration Paid Payroll Rate(
) )
And Stop Processing( )
Returns the value of a specific Person Assignment Type stored in the trans_action_assignment table. The parameter indicates which type of assignment will be returned.
Note: For the Assignment Type SHIFT, the trans_action_assignment table stores the Shift ID (as defined in the shift_definition table). However, the Get Transaction Assignment operand will return the corresponding Shift Number (shift_num in the shift_definition table).
Export Context: Person
Assignment Type = Indicates the Assignment Type of the value that will be returned. Available options are those with transaction_storage_flag set to “1’ in the person_assignment_type table.
Assignment Level = Available options are Default, Current, and Charge.
Select Default if you want the operand to return the Assignment Type value that comes from the Default Person Assignment of the person who posted the transaction.
Select Charge if you want the operand to return the Assignment Type value that comes from the transaction (e.g., an event prompt on the transaction).
Select Current if you want the operand to return the Assignment Type value that comes from the Person Assignment that is currently in effect for the person who posted the transaction.
Gets the quantity amount for a transaction. Use the Quantity Type parameter to specify which quantity value to return.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Quantity Type = Select the type of quantity to return (Quantity Started, Quantity Completed, Quantity Rejected, etc.).
Finds a specific rate for the transaction.
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
Rate Type = Select the type of rate to find (Adhoc Payroll, Default Person, Job Code, Paid Person, etc.). See Transaction Rate for more information on rate types.
This IF operand checks to see if a value is defined for a specific Assignment Type (HOME_LOCATION, ADHOC_RATE, etc.).
Export Context: Person
Assignment Type = Indicates the Assignment Type of the value that will be returned. Available options are defined in the Assignment tab of the Employee form.
For example:
IF Has Person Assignment
THEN Set Output Using Data Type (Get Person Assignment (HOME_LOCATION_HR),
Checks to see if a transaction has a detail record (trans_action_duration_dtl) for a specific premium.
Export Contexts: Labor, Payroll, and Transaction
Detail Record Type = Select the type of premium you want the operand to find.
Checks to see if a transaction has a specific Person Assignment Type. The parameters indicate which type of assignment will be checked. A transaction’s assignment values are stored in the trans_action_assignment table.
Export Context: Person
Assignment Type = Indicates the Assignment Type for which this operand will check.
Assignment Level = Available options are Any, Default, Current, and Charge.
Select Any if you want the operand to check and see if the transaction has a Default, Current, or Charge value for the Assignment Type.
Select Default if you want the operand to check the transaction for the default value of the Assignment Type. The Default value comes from the Person Assignment of the person who posted the transaction.
Select Current or Charge if you want the operand to check the transaction for the Assignment Type value that comes from the transaction (e.g., an event prompt on the transaction).
Use this operand to identify Auxiliary (Bonus) Hours by their pay designator and the Auxiliary Duration column in the trans_action_duration table.
Export Context: Payroll
Auxiliary Number = Select the number of the Auxiliary Duration column in the trans_action_duration table that you want to check. For example, select 1 to select the auxiliary1_pay_designator column.
Pay Code = Enter the pay designator to check for.
This rule exports the Auxiliary Hours from the auxiliary1_pay_designator column in the trans_action_duration table with the pay designator BBB.
Is Record Type( AUXILIARY_1 )
And Is Auxiliary Pay Code(
1, BBB )
Set Output Double( Get Auxiliary Duration( 1 ) )
And Stop Processing( )
Checks for a particular Charge Type.
Export Context: Labor
Charge Type = Select the Charge Type. Available options are defined in the Charge Type form.
Checks the person’s classification.
Export Context: Person
Classification Type = Select HOURLY, SALARIED, or NONEXEMPT. Classification Type is defined in a person’s Employment Profile.
Checks to see if the current day is a specific day of the week. Returns a Boolean value (true or false).
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
WeekDay = Select the day of the week (Monday – Sunday).
Indicates whether the person is Direct or Indirect as defined in their Employment Profile.
Export Context: Person
DirectInd Type = Select DIRECT for employees who can associate their time to specific projects/accounts/products. An example would be a machinist or welder. Select INDIRECT for employees whose time is not readily applied to any specific project/account/product. Examples of indirect employees would be Administrative, Clerical, and Management personnel.
Checks if posted hours are more than zero (0.0).
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
Checks if posted hours are not zero (0.0).
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
Checks to see if the export file is empty.
Export Contexts: Action, Labor, Payroll, and Transaction
Checks to see if the person being processed is a member of a specific Person Group of type FACILITY.
Export Context: Labor and Transaction
Facility Name = Select the name of the facility to check whether the person is a member. Available options are defined in the Person Group form (Person Group Type FACILITY).
The following rule gets the person's duration if the person belongs to FACILITY_A, the Labor Type is Run, and the person is not a machine.
Is Facility( FACILITY_A )
Is Labor Type( Run )
Not( Is the Employee Person Type( MACHINE ) )
Set Output Double( Get Duration( ) )
Stop Processing( )
Checks to see if the Home Location and Charge Location are the same.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Location Type = Select Financial, Hr, or Manufacturing.
Checks to see if the Home Location and Current Location are the same.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Location Type = Select Financial, Hr, or Manufacturing.
Checks to see if the Home Location and Charge Location are not the same.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Location Type = Select Financial, Hr, or Manufacturing.
Checks to see if the Home Location and Current Location are not the same.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Location Type = Select Financial, Hr, or Manufacturing.
Checks if the posted hours classification is the same as the indicated classification.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Checks if the posted hours classification is not the indicated classification.
Export Context: Labor and Transaction
Checks if there is a posted hours classification.
Export Context: Labor and Transaction
Checks for a particular labor type.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Labor Type = Select Run, Setup, Rework, or Other.
Checks for a specific event by name.
Export Context: Action, Labor, and Transaction
Event Name = Determines which event will be included in the export. The available options are defined in the Events form.
Checks for a specific event type.
Export Context: Action, Labor, and Transaction
Event Type = Determines which event type will be included in the export. You can select an Attendance, Labor, Location, or Material event type.
Checks if the posted Pay Code is not the same as the indicated Pay Code.
Export Contexts: Labor, Payroll, and Transaction
Pay Code = Available options are Pay Codes defined in the Details tab of the Hours Class Group form.
Checks if the posted shift is not the indicated shift.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Checks to see if the posted operation is complete.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Set Completion Date Rule-
IF Is Operation Completed( ) THEN Set Completion Date( )
Checks if the posted Pay Code is the same as the indicated Pay Code.
Export Contexts: Labor, Payroll, and Transaction
Pay Code = Available options are Pay Codes defined in the Details tab of the Hours Class Group form.
Checks if the transaction has a specific Pay Policy.
Export Context: Labor
Pay Group Name = Indicates which Pay Policy to check for in the transaction.
Checks if the payroll amount is greater than zero (0.0).
Export Contexts: Labor, Payroll, and Transaction
Checks to see if the person has of a specific shift number, message, person assignment, etc.
Export Context: Person Info
Info Name = Right-click the Info Name parameter and select the operand for the value you want to select:
Get Duration Shift Num, Get Person Assignment, Get Person Info String, Get Trans Action Account, Get Trans Action Data Field, or Get Transaction Assignment.
This operand checks to see if a transaction has a specified premium (e.g., a premium for Special Pay).
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Detail Record Type = Select the premium from this drop-down list. Available options include premiums defined in the Premium Master form.
Checks if the posted shift is the same as the indicated shift.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Checks if the posted split pay code is the indicated code. For example, DBL, OVT, REG, UNP, WEEKOT.
Export Contexts: Labor, Payroll, and Transaction
Checks if the posted split pay code is not the indicated code. For example, DBL, OVT, REG, UNP, WEEKOT.
Export Contexts: Labor, Payroll, and Transaction
Checks if there is a posted split pay code.
Export Contexts: Labor, Payroll, and Transaction
Checks if the posted split pay code is the base portion.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Checks if the posted split pay code is the base shift premium portion (shift premium has been split into base and premium portions).
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Checks if the posted split pay code is the premium portion.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Checks if the posted split pay code is the premium shift premium portion (shift premium has been split into base and premium portions).
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Checks if the posted split pay code is the shift premium portion.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Checks if the employee is a specific Person Type. When you select this operand, you must also specify the Person Type. Available options are ADMINISTRATOR, CONTRACTOR, EMPLOYEE, INTERIM, and MACHINE. An employee’s Person Type is defined in the Employment Profile tab of the Employee form.
Export Contexts: Labor and Person
Is the Duration Shift Num Not Empty
This operand indicates (true or false) whether the shift_num in the trans_action_duration record is empty.
Export Context: Transaction
Checks for a value in the account_num column of the trans_action_duration_dtl table. This value can also be viewed in the Account Num column of the Transaction Duration Detail form.
Export Contexts: Labor, Payroll, and Transaction
Is Trans Duration Dtl Account Num not Empty( )
Set Account Num Value From Duration Dtl( )
Returns true if the transaction duration being evaluated has the specified Shift Sequence Num and Sequence Num. To make sure the correct transaction duration record is being evaluated, you should use the Is Record Type operand in along with this operand.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Shift Sequence Num = Enter the Shift Sequence Number of the transaction duration record you want to check.
Sequence Num = Enter the Sequence Number of the transaction duration record you want to check.
You can find the Shift Sequence Num and Sequence Num in the Transaction Duration tab of the Transaction Details form.
IF Is Work Order Event
and Is Trans Duration Record
THEN Set Output Double (Get Transaction Quantity (Quantity completed))
Checks to see if the posted event was a Work Order labor event.
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
Set Manufacturing Location Rule
IF Is Work Order Event(
THEN Set Manufacturing Charge Location( )
This operand takes two string values and returns the concatenation of those strings. For example, if the First String is Text01 and the Second String is Text02, the operand will return Text01Text02.
Export Context: This operand is an "operator" operand that can be used with any Export Context.
Enter the First String and Second String that you want to join with this operand.
Changes the duration to a negative value.
Export Contexts: Labor, Payroll, and Transaction
Set Negative Duration Rule
IF Is Export Record Not Empty( ) And Is Pay Code( ABC
THEN Negate Duration Value() And Set Duration( )
This operand returns the opposite of the value in the parameter.
Export Context: This operand is an "operator" operand that can be used with any Export Context.
Value = Enter a value in this field or right-click and choose an operand to calculate this value.
For example, use the operand Not (Is Facility (FACILITY_A)) to specify a facility other than FACILITY_A.
This THEN clause sets the output value to the value of the account_num column in the trans_action_duration_dtl table.
Export Contexts: Labor, Payroll, and Transaction
IF Is Trans Duration Dtl
Account Num not Empty( )
THEN Set Account Num Value From Duration Dtl( )
Used for Person (Employee) , Person Info, and Person Balance exports. This operand sets the Balance Value for each of the person’s Leave Type Codes based on the current post date.
Export Context: Person Info
This operand sets the Balance Value for the Leave Type Code you specify in the operand’s parameter, based on the current post date.
Export Context: Person Info
Balance (Leave Type) Code = Select one of the codes defined in the Leave Type Code form.
Sets the Batch Name to the current date in yyyyMMdd format, prefixed by the letter “L.”
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
Used for Labor exports. Sets the Flex Field Value for a particular Charge Type and Element Name.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Charge Type Element = Available options are displayed as Charge Type:Element Names defined in the Charge Element form.
Flex Field = Available options are Flex Field Value 1-15. These values are defined in the charge_element_flex_field table.
Sets the Charge Location for a specific labor.
Export Contexts: Charge Element and Labor
Location Type = Indicates whether the charge location should be set to HR, Manufacturing, or Financial.
Sets the Charge Location for a specific labor based on the Location Type specified in the operand’s parameter.
This operand is similar to the Set Charge Location operand, except that it sets the Charge Location without looking at the Home Location.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Location Type = Indicates whether the Charge Location should be set to HR, Manufacturing, or Financial.
Used to export the completion date of a work order operation.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Set Completion Date Rule
IF Is Operation Completed(
THEN Set Completion Date( )
Sets the Current Location for a specific labor.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Location Type = Indicates whether the Current location should be set to Financial, Hr, or Manufacturing.
Sets the Current Location for a specific labor based on the Location Type specified in the operand’s parameter.
This operand is similar to the Set Current Location operand, except that it sets the Current Location without looking at the Home Location.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Location Type = Indicates whether the Current Location should be set to HR, Manufacturing, or Financial.
This operand sets the person’s Status (Active, Inactive, or Terminated) based on the Person Number and the current date.
Export Context: Person Info
Sets the Data Group value to the Data Group Name of the Charge Element that was posted.
Export Contexts: Charge Element, Labor, and Transaction
Sets the Data Group value to the Data Group Name of a specific Charge Element. The Charge Element is selected based on the Element Name and Charge Type in the operand’s parameters.
Export Contexts: Charge Element, Labor, and Transaction
Element Name = Available options are defined in the Charge Type Element tab form.
Charge Type = Available options are defined in the Charge Type form.
Sets the Day of Week for a transaction based on the transaction’s post date.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Indicates whether Daylight Saving Time is in effect (1 = True, 0 = False) for the person’s Time Zone (defined in the Setting tab of the Employee form).
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
Sets the duration of hours for a specific labor. This operand is typically used with the Is the Employee Person Type operand to distinguish between labor hours performed by different Person Types (such as MACHINE and EMPLOYEE labor).
Export Contexts: Labor, Payroll, and Transaction
Sets the Record Type based on the event’s trans_action_duration_dtl.record_type.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Set Record Type Rule
IF Is Duration Not Zero(
) Or Not( Is Duration Not Zero( ) )
THEN Set Duration Detail Record Type( )
Sets the employee’s Universal Time Coordinated (formerly GMT) offset.
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
Use this parameter to set the specified date (Pay Date, Posting Date, or Today) to the first day of the month.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Posting Date Type = Select the date you want to set (Pay Date, Posting Date, or Today).
IF Get Date With Format
as Number( Posting Date, YYYYMM ) Less Than Get Date With Format as
Number( Today, YYYYMM )
THEN Set First Date of the Month( Today )
Sets the Home Location for a specific labor.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Location Type = Indicates whether the home location should be set to HR, Manufacturing, or Financial.
Sets the output value to the applicable hours class listed in the time reporter's hours class group.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Sets the output value to <hours posted> x <the applicable coefficient in the time reporter's hours class group>.
Export Contexts: Labor and Payroll
Set Insert or Correction Value
This operand sets a value for a field in the Labor Export file depending on whether the data is being exported for the first time. If the data is being exported for the first time, then the Insertion Value parameter is exported. If the data was previously exported, then the Correction Value parameter is exported.
Export Context: Labor
Insertion Value = Value that will be used if the data is being exported for the first time.
Correction Value = Value that will be used if the data was previously exported.
IF Is Export Record Not Empty( )
THEN Set Insert Or Correction Value( R, C )
Used for Labor Distribution Exports. Sets the Pay End Date to the user-defined PAY_END_DT that was set during the Payroll Export.
This operand has one parameter, Pay Ending Date (YYYYMMDD).
Export Context: Labor
Sets the Manufacturing Charge Location for the event.
Export Context: Labor
Set Manufacturing Location Rule
IF Is Work Order Event(
THEN Set Manufacturing Charge Location( )
Sets the output code to a given value. Enter any value up to seven characters long.
Output codes are used to distinguish between different types of records in the Payroll Export. For example, you may want to specify one output code for Hourly employees who post REG hours and another output code for Salaried employees who post REG hours.
Export Context: Payroll
Sets the output code to a double (decimal) value.
Export Context: Payroll
Value = Select the value for the output. Right-click this field and select one of the following operands: Get Duration, Get Paid Labor Rate Amount, Get Paid Labor Rate Amount by Source, Get Paid Payroll Rate Amount, Get Paid Payroll Rate Amount by Source, Get Person Vendor Rate, Get Shift Premium, Get Total Time Labor Rate, Get Trans Duration Paid Payroll Rate, or Get Transaction Rate.
Sets the output to a specific Person Assignment, Trans Action Amount, or Trans Action Data Field. You can specify whether this value should be output as an Integer, Double (decimal number), or String (text).
Export Context: Payroll
Value = Right-click this field to select the operand that will determine which type of data will be returned (Get Person Assignment, Get Trans Action Amount, or Get Trans Action Data Field).
To Data Type = Select whether the Value should be output as an Integer, Double (decimal number), or String (text).
For example:
IF Has Person Assignment
THEN Set Output Using Data Type (Get Person Assignment (HOME_LOCATION_HR),
Sets the Parent Element of the charge element you are exporting.
Export Context: Charge Element
Sets the Parent Element Value of the charge element you are exporting.
If the record’s Parent Element Name is empty, the operand will set this value to the charge element’s Data Group Name.
Export Context: Charge Element
Sets the output value to the applicable pay code listed in the time reporter's hours class group.
Export Contexts: Labor, Payroll, and Transaction
Sets the Pay Group Name to the value you specify.
Enter the Pay Group Name in this field, or right-click the field and select an operand to calculate the value.
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
This operand calculates the Pay Period End Date by looking at the Pay Policy of the person who posted the transaction.
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
This operand calculates the Pay Period Start Date by looking at the Pay Policy of the person who posted the transaction.
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
This operand calculates the Pay Week End Date by looking at the Pay Policy of the person who posted the transaction.
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
This operand calculates the Pay Week Start Date by looking at the Pay Policy of the person who posted the transaction.
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
Sets the output value to payroll amount.
Export Contexts: Labor, Payroll, and Transaction
Sets the output value to payroll location.
Export Contexts: Labor, Payroll, and Transaction
Sets the output value to the pay designator.
Export Context: Labor
Sets the Person Group of the person record being exported, based on the Tier and Person Group Type in the operand’s parameters.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Tier = Select a value from 1 – 5. Tier represents the order of the Person Groups in alphabetical order.
Person Group Type = Indicates the type of Person Group that will be selected for this operand. Select one of the following Person Group Types: Direct Manager Group, Event Filtration Group, Facility Group, Hierarchy Group, Message Group, Policy Group, Service Group Type, Supervisor Manager Group, or Terminal Filtration Group.
For example, the Person Group Type parameter is Facility Group and the person belongs to facilities Broward and Dade. The Tier parameter is set to 1. The person’s facilities, in alphabetical order, are (1) Broward and (2) Dade. Therefore the Set Person Group By Tier operand will set the Person Group to Broward.
Sets the Person Group Manager of the person record being exported, based on the Manager ID of the Person Group specified in the operand’s parameters. The Manager ID number is defined in the database and is not the same as the Person Number.
Export Context: Labor and Transaction
Tier = Select a value from 1 – 5. Tier represents the order of the Manager ID numbers of the manager that will be selected.
Person Group Type = Indicates the type of Person Group from which the manager will be selected for this operand. Select one of the following Person Group Types: Direct Manager Group, Event Filtration Group, Facility Group, Hierarchy Group, Message Group, Policy Group, Service Group Type, Supervisor Manager Group, or Terminal Filtration Group.
For example, the Person Group Type parameter is Supervisor Manager Group. The Tier parameter is set to 2. A person belongs to a Supervisor Manager Group called Accounting that has two managers: 1001 and 2002. The Set Person Group Manager By Tier operand will set the Person Group Manager to 2002.
Sets the Person Info Value field to the data specified in the Info Name parameter.
Export Context: Person Info
Info Name = Enter the Person Info Value in this field, or right-click the field and select an operand to calculate the value.
Sets the Person Type (ADMINISTRATOR, CONTRACTOR, EMPLOYEE, INTERIM, MACHINE, or SUBCONTRACTOR) for the person record being exported, based on the Person Type defined in the Person Record for the current date.
Export Contexts: Labor and Person
Sets the person vendor rate based on the defined parameters.
Export Context: Transaction
Rate Class = Select Labor or Pay.
Shift Num = Select All, 1, 2, or 3.
Hours Classification = Select All or one of the hours classifications defined in the Hours Class Group form.
Sets the transaction’s project rate to the Total Time Labor Rate specified in the Transaction Duration Detail form. If the Total Time Labor Rate is empty, the operand uses the Paid Payroll Rate.
Export Context: Labor
Sets the transaction’s project rate by multiplying the Total Time Labor Rate or the Paid Payroll Rate by the transaction’s Duration in hours. These rates are specified in the Transaction Duration Detail form.
The operand uses the Total Time Labor Rate unless this rate is empty. Then the operand will use the Paid Payroll Rate.
Export Context: Labor
Sets the Setting Value to a specific setting. These settings are defined in the System Settings form.
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
Setting Type = Select one of the Setting Types defined in the System Settings form.
Sets the Setting Value of the person record being exported based on the Tier and Setting Type in the operand’s parameters.
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
Tier = Select a value from 1 – 5. Determines which of the Setting Types specified in the Setting Type parameter will be used to find the Setting Value. Tier represents the order of the Setting Types (1-5) based on the update date and exclusive flag settings in the setting_type table.
Setting Type = Setting Type that for which the Setting Value will be selected. If there is more than one of the specified Setting Type, the Tier parameter will be used to determine which Setting Type/Value to use.
Sets the output value to split pay code.
Export Contexts: Labor, Payroll, and Transaction
Sets the Time Entry Type (Punched, Exception, or Elapsed) for the person record being exported, based on the Time Entry Type defined in the Person Record for the current date.
Export Context: Person
Sets the output value to the transaction's cancel date.
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
Sets a specific value in the trans_action_data table.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Trans Action Data Type = Select ExpenditureType, JobCode, OperationNum, Position, PremiumCode, ProjectNum, TaskNum, or WorkOrder.
Sets the output value to the transaction's update date.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Sets the Transaction Reference to the transaction’s ID number, prefixed by “KABA.”
Export Context: Transaction
Set Transaction Value based on split
Taking in three parameters: a delimiter (Dot), a table column name, and an index, this method reads a value from a composite string gleaned from the given table name (a value which is delimited by the given delimiter), and sets the n-th value from that field as the export data value.
Export Context: Labor
Split On = Always set to Dot.
Transaction Column = Select the transaction column.
Index value to return = Select First Value or Second Value.
Populates the export field with the date specified in the parameter.
Export Contexts: Labor and Transaction
Posting Date Type = Select the date you want to set (Pay Date, Posting Date, or Today).
Uses the Fiscal Calendar to set the Weekly Fiscal Calc End Date based on the transaction’s post date.
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
Uses the Fiscal Calendar to set the Weekly Fiscal Calc End Date based on the Fiscal Calendar Date Type parameter.
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
Fiscal Calendar Date Type = Select Current Date, Pay Date, Posting Date, or Update Date.
Set Workorder Conditional Code Value
This operand is used to set the value of an export field based on whether the transaction being exported is a work order. This operand should not be used for Payroll Exports. It is typically used for Transaction Exports.
Export Context: Labor
If Workorder True Value = This parameter indicates the value to be used if the transaction being exported is a work order. You can enter a value in this field or right-click it and select another operand that will be used to determine the value (Get Action Prompt Value, Get Default Person Assignment, etc.).
If Workorder False Value = This parameter indicates the value to be used if the transaction being exported is not a work order. You can enter a value in this field or right-click it and select another operand that will be used to determine the value (Get Action Prompt Value, Get Default Person Assignment, etc.).
This operand is used in the System Required rule TEMPLATE Set Work Order Code Value.
IF Is Export Record Not
Empty( )
THEN Set Workorder Conditional Code Value( M, A )
The above rule is used in the LDMTIME Export Definition to set the value of the S_TS_LN_TYPE_CD field. If the transaction being exported is a work order, the field's value will be set to "M." Otherwise, the field's value will be set to "A."
This THEN operand will stop processing all rules in the ruleset for the person and post date, even if there are more rules in the ruleset that are sequenced after this rule.
Export Context: Potentially works with multiple Export Contexts
The True operand always returns a value of True. For example, to make sure that a rule is executed in all circumstances, create an IF clause with only the True operand.
Export Context: This operand is an "operator" operand that can be used with any Export Context.