Detail Forms:
The Pay Policy form is used to create and configure Pay Policy rules. These rules determine how hours are classified and rates are calculated. These calculations are performed by the LABOR_ALL_MT service and by the CALCULATE_RATES service.
The Pay Policy also defines the length of a person's pay period (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or semi-monthly).
In addition, the Pay Policy affects how the Total Time Rate is calculated by the TOTAL_TIME_ACCOUNTING service and how Special Pay is calculated by the SPECIAL_PAY service.
A Pay Policy can be assigned to a single Person via the Employee Setting form or to an Employee Group with type POLICY_GROUP or FACILITY via the Employee Group Setting form, A Person setting overrides an Employee Group setting. See Settings Precedence for more details.
An employee must be assigned a Pay Policy in order to appear on the Supervisor form.
See Also:
Pay Group Name
Name that identifies the Pay Policy.
You can have multiple Pay Policies with the same name, as long as the effective dates (Start Date, End Date) are different. This configuration will allow you to change a Pay Policy’s settings without having to assign a new Pay Policy to your employees. For example, if you do not want employees to earn Special Pay during a particular month, you can Copy the existing Pay Policy, disable Special Pay, and change the policy’s Start and End Dates to the specified month.
When you add or modify a Pay Policy, you can enter a description of the Pay Policy.
Period Type
Length of the pay period for persons assigned to this Pay Policy.
This setting, along with the Period Begin Date and Calendar Name, will determine the number of days and the dates that display in the Period and Weekly tabs of the timecard.
Weekly: 7 days
Biweekly: 14 days
Monthly: Number of days in an entire month
Semimonthly: Number of days in half a month
Monthly and Semimonthly pay periods are defined on the Pay Period Calendar form. For example, you can define a monthly pay period that starts in the middle of one month and ends in the middle of the next month. If you select Monthly or Semimonthly as your Period Type, you must also select a Calendar Name.
Period Begin Date
Identifies when a pay week or pay period begins based on your Period Type.
This setting, along with the Period Type and Calendar Name, will determine the number of days and the dates that display in the Period and Weekly tabs of the timecard.
If your Period Type is Weekly or Biweekly, the Period Begin Date is the date when the pay week or pay period begins.
If your Period Type is Monthly or Semimonthly, the Period Begin Date is the date when the pay week begins. The date when the pay period begins is defined in the Pay Period Calendar.
Calendar Name
If you select Monthly or Semimonthly as your Period Type, you must also select a Calendar Name.
If your Period Type is Monthly, the available options are MONTHLY Calendar Types defined on the Pay Period Calendar form.
If your Period Type is Semimonthly, the available options are SEMIMONTHLY Calendar Types defined on the Pay Period Calendar form.
Start Date, End Date
Date range when the Pay Policy is in effect.
You can have multiple Pay Policies with the same Pay Group Name, as long as the effective dates (Start Date, End Date) are different.
Extra Work Time
Indicates whether this Pay Policy supports EWT. Select Disabled, Pay Period, or Weekly.
These settings determine whether you can authorize EWT for the pay week or the pay period using the Authorized Hours form.
Select Disabled if employees assigned to this Pay Policy will not be receiving EWT.
The Weekly option is only available when the Period Type is Biweekly. Select Weekly if you want to authorize EWT for each week in the biweekly pay period separately. This option is used when employees have a biweekly pay period but their pay rules classify time for the pay week, and you want to approve different amounts of EWT or Comp Time for each week.
The Extra Work Time and Comp Time (see below) settings must be the same unless one of the fields is set to Disabled.
Select Pay Period if you want to authorize EWT and Comp Time for the entire pay period.
If you set Extra Work Time to Pay Period or Weekly, you must also specify which events and hours classifications count toward EWT and Comp Time (using the Events and Hours Class tabs on the Pay Policy form). You also need to configure your Pay Rules Ruleset for EWT and Comp Time.
You should also make sure the EWT and Comp Time fields are visible in the timecard if you have enabled this feature. See Viewing Eligible/Ineligible Hours, EWT, and Comp Time in the Timecard for more information.
Comp Time
Indicates whether this Pay Policy supports Comp Time. Select Disabled, Pay Period, or Weekly.
These settings determine whether you can authorize Comp Time for the pay week or the pay period using the Authorized Hours form.
Select Disabled if employees assigned to this Pay Policy will not be receiving Comp Time.
The Weekly option is only available when the Period Type is Biweekly. Select Weekly if you want to authorize Comp Time for each week in the biweekly pay period separately. This option is used when employees have a biweekly pay period but their pay rules classify time for the pay week, and you want to approve different amounts of EWT or Comp Time for each week.
The Extra Work Time (see above) and Comp Time settings must be the same unless one of the fields is set to Disabled.
Select Pay Period if you want to authorize EWT and Comp Time for the entire pay period.
If you set Comp Time to Pay Period or Weekly, you must also specify which events and hours classifications count toward EWT and Comp Time (using the Events and Hours Class tabs on the Pay Policy form). You also need to configure your Pay Rules Ruleset for EWT and Comp Time.
You should also make sure the EWT and Comp Time fields are visible in the timecard if you have enabled this feature. See Viewing Eligible/Ineligible Hours, EWT, and Comp Time in the Timecard for more information.
Pay Rules Ruleset
Identifies the Ruleset with the Context Name “PayRulesRuleset” that will be used to classify time on the timecard for persons assigned to this Pay Policy. Rulesets are configured on the Rulesets form.
Pay Rate Ruleset
Ruleset with the Context Name "PaidRateRuleset" that will be used to calculate the Payroll Rate (PAID_PERSON_PAY rate) for persons assigned to this Pay Policy. Rulesets are configured on the Rulesets form.
Labor Rate Ruleset
Ruleset with the Context Name "PaidRateRuleset" that will be used to calculate the Labor Rate (PAID_PERSON_LABOR rate) for persons assigned to this Pay Policy. Rulesets are configured on the Rulesets form.
Aux. Hours Ruleset
Ruleset with the Context Name "AuxiliaryHoursRuleset" that will be used to calculate Auxiliary (Bonus) Hours for persons assigned to this Pay Policy. Rulesets are configured in the Rulesets form.
Post Process Ruleset
Identifies the Ruleset with the Context Name “PostProcessEventRuleset” that is associated with this Pay Policy. See Post Process Event for more information.
Hour Class Grp Name
Identifies which Hours Class Group the Pay Policy uses to determine hours classifications. This setting determines which hours classifications you can select for the Pay Policy on the Hours Class tab. Hours Class Groups and their coefficients (for example, O = OVT, with a coefficient of 1.5) are configured on the Hours Class Group form.
Time Classification
Indicates when the appropriate hours classification will be posted on the timecard.
Select IMMEDIATE if you want the timecard to be classified as soon as the time is entered on the timecard.
Select DISABLED if you do not want to classify hours on the timecard.
Select MANUAL to display the Classify Period button in the timecard. The Classify Period button will recalculate the previously unclassified timecard and classify the hours. See Using Manual Timecard Classification.
If the employee’s Pay Policy uses MANUAL Time Classification, you can also configure the Sign Policy to classify the timecard when you sign the week or pay period.
If you are using the EWT and Comp Time feature, you may want to select MANUAL so you can wait and classify the timecard after all the hours have been worked and all EWT or Comp Time has been authorized. With this method, adjustments to the timecard will not affect the hours classifications, and you will not have to reprocess the payroll export unnecessarily.
See EWT and Comp Time for more information.
Gap Event Name
Event to which the gap time will be posted. The available options are events with the following Event Types:
Gap Day Minimum
The Gap Day Minimum and Gap Day Min Amt fields specify the minimum amount of time that must be posted (for the Events and/or Hours Classes with the Consecutive Days context) in order to make a day count as a gap day.
These settings are used by the Consecutive Gap Day Pay Rule Operands – Get Consecutive Gap Days Hours Over, Is Consecutive All Gap Days, Is Consecutive Gap Days, and Is Consecutive Gap Days Hours Over – to determine whether a day is a gap day.
Select Amount of Hours if you want the Gap Day Minimum to be a flat number of hours. The number of hours will be defined in the Gap Day Min Amt field.
Select Percentage of Sch Hours if you want the Gap Day Minimum to be a percentage of hours. This percentage will be defined in the Gap Day Min Amt field.
You will need to define which events and hours classifications can be included when determining consecutive days using the Events and Hours Class tabs on the Pay Policy form.
Gap Day Min Amt
The Gap Day Minimum and Gap Day Min Amt fields specify the minimum amount of time that must be posted (for the Events and/or Hours Classes with the Consecutive Days context) in order to make a day count as a gap day.
These settings are used by the Consecutive Gap Day Pay Rule Operands – Get Consecutive Gap Days Hours Over, Is Consecutive All Gap Days, Is Consecutive Gap Days, and Is Consecutive Gap Days Hours Over – to determine whether a day is a gap day.
If Gap Day Minimum is set to Amount of Hours, enter the number of hours in the Gap Day Min Amt field.
If Gap Day Minimum is set to Percentage of Sch Hours, enter the percentage of hours in the Gap Day Min Amt field.
You will need to define which events and hours classifications can be included when determining consecutive days using the Events and Hours Class tabs on the Pay Policy form.
Sch Day Minimum
The Sch Day Minimum and Sch Day Min Amt fields specify the minimum amount of time that must be posted (for the Events and/or Hours Classes with the Consecutive Days context) in order to make a day count as a scheduled day.
These settings are used by the Consecutive Day Pay Rule Operands – Is Consecutive Days, and Is Consecutive Schedule Days – to determine whether a day is a scheduled day.
Select Amount of Hours if you want the Sch Day Minimum to be a flat number of hours. The number of hours will be defined in the Sch Day Min Amt field.
Select Percentage of Sch Hours if you want the Sch Day Minimum to be a percentage of hours. This percentage will be defined in the Sch Day Min Amt field.
You will need to define which events and hours classifications can be included when determining consecutive days using the Events and Hours Class tabs on the Pay Policy form.
Sch Day Min Amt
The Sch Day Minimum and Sch Day Min Amt fields specify the minimum amount of time that must be posted (for the Events and/or Hours Classes with the Consecutive Days context) in order to make a day count as a scheduled day.
These settings are used by the Consecutive Day Pay Rule Operands – Is Consecutive Days, and Is Consecutive Schedule Days – to determine whether a day is a scheduled day.
If Sch Day Minimum is set to Amount of Hours, enter the number of hours in the Sch Day Min Amt field.
If Sch Day Minimum is set to Percentage of Sch Hours, enter the percentage of hours in the Sch Day Min Amt field.
You will need to define which events and hours classifications can be included when determining consecutive days using the Events and Hours Class tabs on the Pay Policy form.
Incl Opt Sch
Check this box to include Optional schedules when calculating the Gap Day Minimum or Sch Day Minimum.
Incl OT Sch
Check this box to include Overtime schedules when calculating the Gap Day Minimum or Sch Day Minimum.
Total Time Acct
Check this box if you want the TOTAL_TIME_ACCOUNTING service to process transactions for persons assigned to this Pay Policy. The TOTAL_TIME_ACCOUNTING service calculates the Total Time Rate, which is designed to make labor costs the same per hour for all transactions in a week, even when some of those transactions are unpaid.
If you do not check this box, the TOTAL_TIME_ACCOUNTING service will not process transactions for persons assigned to this Pay Policy.
If you check this box, you must also configure the TTA Lock Ind, TTA Range Type, and TTA Rate Type (see below).
You must also use the Events, Event Types, and Hours Class tabs of the Pay Policy form to configure the events and hour classifications that will be used to calculate the Total Time Rate.
See Total Time Accounting for more information.
TTA Lock Ind
Indicates whether the timecard must be payroll locked and/or signed for the TOTAL_TIME_ACCOUNTING service to process the transactions.
You can set the TTA Lock Ind to Ignore, Require Locks, or Require Sign Locks.
Ignore: The TOTAL_TIME_ACCOUNTING service will process transactions regardless of whether they are payroll locked or signed.
Require Locks: The TOTAL_TIME_ACCOUNTING service will only process transactions when all the days in the range are payroll locked. The date range for the transactions is based on the TTA Range Type in the Pay Policy, the PERIOD_OFFSET parameter for the TOTAL_TIME_ACCOUNTING service, and the date the service runs.
Require Sign Lock: The TOTAL_TIME_ACCOUNTING service checks the employee’s Sign Policy to see if Employee Lock and/or Supervisor Lock are checked. If these options are checked, the service will only process transactions when all the days in the range have the required signatures and locks. The date range for the transactions is based on the TTA Range Type in the Pay Policy, the PERIOD_OFFSET parameter for the TOTAL_TIME_ACCOUNTING service, and the date the service runs.
TTA Range Type
The TTA Range Type is used by the TOTAL_TIME_ACCOUNTING service and its PERIOD_OFFSET parameter to select the date range for which to process transactions. These settings determine whether the Total Time Rate is calculated based on all the transactions in a pay period or based on a single week of transactions in the pay period.
Period: The TOTAL_TIME_ACCOUNTING service will process transactions for the entire pay period. The service’s PERIOD_OFFSET parameter is the minimum number of days after the end of the pay period when the service will process transactions. For example, if the PERIOD_OFFSET is 0, the service will process the current period and earlier periods if it is run on the last day of the period (or later). If the PERIOD_OFFSET is 1, the service will process the current period and earlier periods if it is run on the first day past the end of the period (or later).
Week: This option is only available when the Period Type is Biweekly. The TOTAL_TIME_ACCOUNTING service will process transactions for one week at a time in the biweekly pay period. When you select Week as your TTA Range Type, the service’s PERIOD_OFFSET becomes the minimum number of days after the end of the pay week when the service will process transactions. For example, a biweekly pay period is from Saturday 4/30 to Friday 5/13. The first pay week is from 4/30 to 5/6 and the second pay week is from 5/7 to 5/13. The PERIOD_OFFSET is 0 and the service runs on 5/7. The service calculates the Total Time Rate for the first week (4/30-5/6) only. If the service runs on 5/14, it will calculate the Total Time Rate for each pay week separately. The Total Time Rate for the first week (4/30-5/6) may be different from the Total Time Rate of the second week (5/7-5/13).
Period Incremental Week: This option is only available when the Period Type is Biweekly. The TOTAL_TIME_ACCOUNTING service will process transactions for the first pay week in the biweekly pay period or for the entire biweekly pay period, depending on when the service is run within the pay period and the value of the service’s PERIOD_OFFSET parameter.
This option may be useful if you need to process and export the first week of a biweekly period, instead of waiting for the second week to complete. You can then process and export the entire biweekly period as a single unit when the whole period is ready. When the service processes the entire biweekly period, the service takes both weeks into account to calculate the Total Time Rate. For this reason, the Total Time Rate may be different when the TOTAL_TIME_ACCOUNTING service processes the first week of the period and when it processes both weeks of the period.
See TOTAL_TIME_ACCOUNTING Service Parameters for more information about how the service’s PERIOD_OFFSET parameter and the TTA Range Type affect the date range that is processed.
TTA Rate Type
Indicates whether the person’s Pay Rate or Labor Rate will be used to calculate the Total Time Rate. The Total Time Rate is calculated as (Pay Rate or Labor Rate) x (Compensated Hours/Total Hours).
Select Paid Labor Rate or Paid Pay Rate. A transaction’s Paid Labor Rate and Paid Pay Rate are shown in the Transaction Duration tab of the Transaction Details form.
The Paid Pay Rate is determined by the CALCULATE_RATES service based on the Pay Rate Ruleset in the person’s Pay Policy, unless the transaction has an ADHOC_PAY rate. If the transaction has an ADHOC_PAY rate, the Paid Pay Rate will match the ADHOC_PAY rate.
The Paid Labor Rate is determined by the CALCULATE_RATES service based on the Labor Rate Ruleset in the person’s Pay Policy, unless the transaction has an ADHOC_LABOR rate. If the transaction has an ADHOC_LABOR rate, the Paid Labor Rate will match the ADHOC_LABOR rate.
Special Pay
Check this box to enable Special Pay for the Pay Group.
Special Pay is additional pay that is awarded to an employee as a result of a special assignment. This additional pay recognizes the special conditions in which the employee will be working. For example, an employee who is assigned to work in a place with hazardous conditions may receive Special Pay in addition to their base pay.
When this box is checked, the SPECIAL_PAY service can process transactions for the Pay Group.
Special Pay Range
The Special Pay Range is used by the SPECIAL_PAY service and its PERIOD parameter to select the date range for which to process transactions. These settings determine whether Special Pay is calculated for the transactions in a pay period or for the transactions in a single week of the pay period. See SPECIAL_PAY Service Parameters for more information.
The Week and Period Incremental Week options are only available when the Period Type is Biweekly.
Period: If the Special Pay Range is set to Period, the service processes the transactions in the current pay period or the previous pay period (depending on the SPECIAL_PAY service’s PERIOD parameter setting).
Week: If the Special Pay Range is set to Week, the service processes the transactions in the current pay week or the previous pay week (depending on the PERIOD parameter setting).
Period Incremental Week: If the Special Pay Range is set to Period Incremental Week, the service processes the transactions in the first pay week of a biweekly pay period or the entire biweekly pay period. The transactions that are selected for processing also depends on when the service is run within the pay period and the service’s PERIOD parameter.
The Period Incremental Week option may be useful if you need to process and export the first week of a biweekly period, instead of waiting for the second week to complete. You can then process and export the entire biweekly period as a single unit when the whole period is ready.
Special Pay Limit
This field is available when you check the Special Pay box. Special Pay Limit defines the maximum number of hours in the pay week or pay period for which an employee can receive the premium for Special Pay.
You can select Unlimited, Flat Value, or Pay Period Scheduled Paid as your Special Pay Limit.
If you select Unlimited, then all the hours that an employee reports with a Special Pay Premium Code will receive the Special Pay premium.
If you select Flat Value, you must enter the number of hours in the Special Flat Limit field. Flat Value specifies the maximum number of hours in the pay week or pay period for which an employee can receive the premium for Special Pay. If this hours limit exceeds the number of hours in the pay week or pay period that have a Special Pay Premium Code, the Special Pay Rate will be prorated based on this limit.
If you select Pay Period Scheduled Paid, the employee’s scheduled paid hours for the pay week or pay period will be the maximum number of hours in the pay week or pay period for which the employee can receive the premium for Special Pay. If this hours limit exceeds the number of hours in the pay week or pay period that have a Special Pay Premium Code, the Special Pay Rate will be prorated based on this limit.
For example, an employee may work 120 hours in a pay period and when these hours are entered in the timecard, they are all given the Premium Code “D” indicating Special Pay. However, the employee’s Pay Policy has a Special Pay Limit of 80 hours. When the SPECIAL_PAY service runs, it prorates the employee’s Special Pay Rate based on this limit.
See Limited and Unlimited Special Pay for more information on how the Special Pay Premium is applied and how proration will be calculated.
Special Flat Limit
This field is only available when you check the Special Pay box and Special Pay Limit is set to Flat Value.
Enter a decimal value for the maximum number of hours for which an employee can receive the premium for Special Pay. The Special Pay Rate will be prorated based on this limit. See Special Pay Limit (above) for more information.
Special Pay Locks
Indicates whether the timecard must be payroll locked and/or signed for the SPECIAL_PAY service to process the transactions.
Ignore: The SPECIAL_PAY service will process transactions regardless of whether they are payroll locked or signed.
Require Locks: The SPECIAL_PAY service will only process transactions in a pay period when all the days in the pay week or pay period are payroll locked.
Require Signs Locks: The SPECIAL_PAY service will check the employee’s Sign Policy to see if Employee Lock and/or Supervisor Lock are checked. If these options are checked, the service will only process days that have the required signatures and locks.
Note: For split days in 9-80 schedules, the first and second half of a split day can be locked independently. Only the half that meets the Pay Policy’s Special Pay Locks requirement will be processed by the SPECIAL_PAY service.
Comp Time Cap
Use this setting to enable the Comp Time Cap feature.
This feature will alert a supervisor if the amount of hours they are approving for Comp Time will cause the person’s Comp Time Balance to exceed the Comp Time Cap Amount.
The warning message will display on the Authorized Hours form when the supervisor clicks Save after entering a value in the Approved Comp Time field.
Select None, Warn, or Forbid.
None – No message will display. There will be no defined Comp Time Cap Amount for persons assigned to this Pay Policy.
Warn – A message will display if the Approved Comp Time hours that the supervisor has entered on the Authorized Hours form will cause the person’s Comp Time Balance to exceed the Comp Time Cap Amount. The supervisor can click OK to approve the hours anyway, or Cancel the approval.
Forbid – A message will display if the Approved Comp Time hours that the supervisor has entered on the Authorized Hours form will cause the person’s Comp Time Balance to exceed the Comp Time Cap Amount. This message will inform the supervisor that the approval has been cancelled.
See Comp Time Cap for more information.
Comp Time Cap Amount
Maximum number of Comp Time hours that a person can earn in a year.
The system checks to see if this cap amount has been reached when a supervisor enters a value in the Approved Comp Time field on the Authorized Hours form and clicks Save.
To determine whether this cap amount has been reached, the system looks at the following values:
The person’s Comp Time balance (Balance Value shown on the Balances form for the Comp Time Balance specified below)
The amount of Comp Time hours the supervisor has entered in the Approved Comp Time field
The amount of Comp Time hours the person has yet to earn. This value is calculated by subtracting the amount already earned from the amount already authorized.
If the sum of the above amounts exceeds the Comp Time Cap Amount, then the supervisor will be warned (the type of warning is determined by the Comp Time Cap setting above).
Note that prior pay periods are not considered when determining the amount of Comp Time hours the person has yet to earn; this validation is done for the current period or later. Also, if the current period is payroll locked, the amount yet to earn for that period is considered to be zero.
See Comp Time Cap for more information.
Comp Time Balance
If you have set Comp Time Cap to Warn or Forbid, use this field to specify which Comp Time balance will be used to determine whether the Comp Time Cap Amount has been exceeded.
The available options are defined on the Leave Type Code form. Select the Leave Type Code that is updated by your Pay Rules to store Comp Time.
See Comp Time Cap for more information.
Update Date, Updated By
These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.
Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Pay Policy.
If necessary, click the
Filter button to display the filter field.
Select a Pay Group Name and click Find. The record that matches your criteria will display.
Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Pay Policy.
Click Add.
Enter a Pay Group Name and Description. You can have multiple Pay Policies with the same name, as long as the effective dates (Start Date, End Date) are different.
Select a Period Type.
If you selected Monthly or Semimonthly as your Period Type, select a Calendar Name.
Enter a Period Begin Date or select one from the calendar icon.
Enter or select the Start Date and End Date of the policy. These fields specify the dates when the policy is in effect.
If you are using the EWT and Comp Time feature, select Pay Period or Weekly from the Extra Work Time and/or Comp Time fields.
Select the Pay Rules Ruleset, Pay Rate Ruleset, Aux. Hours Ruleset, Labor Rate Ruleset, and Post Process Ruleset.
Select an Hour Class Group Name.
Time Classification indicates when the appropriate hours classification will be posted on the timecard.
Select the Gap Event Name to which the gap time will be posted.
Gap Day Minimum is the minimum amount of time required to make a day count as a gap day when applying the Consecutive Gap Day Pay Rules Operands. Select Amount of Hours to specify a flat number of hours or select Percentage of Sch Hours to specify a percentage of hours. Use the Gap Day Min Amt field to specify the minimum hours or percentage.
Sch Day Minimum is the minimum amount of time required to make a day count as a scheduled day when applying the Consecutive Day Pay Rules Operands. Select Amount of Hours to specify a flat number of hours or select Percentage of Sch Hours to specify a percentage of hours. Use the Sch Day Min Amt field to specify the minimum hours or percentage.
Check Incl Opt Sch to include Optional schedules when calculating the Gap Day Minimum or Sch Day Minimum.
Check Incl OT Sch to include Overtime schedules when calculating the Gap Day Minimum or Sch Day Minimum.
Check the Total Time Acct box if you want the TOTAL_TIME_ACCOUNTING service to process transactions for persons assigned to this Pay Policy.
If you enable Total Time Accounting, you must also select the TTA Lock Ind, TTA Range Type, and TTA Rate Type. Refer to the field descriptions for more information on these settings.
Check the Special Pay box if you want the SPECIAL_PAY service to process transactions for persons assigned to this Pay Policy.
If you enable Special Pay, you must also configure the Special Pay Limit, Special Flat Limit, Special Pay Locks, and Special Pay Range. Refer to the field descriptions for more information on these settings.
If you are using the Comp Time Feature, select the Comp Time Cap, Comp Time Cap Amount, and Comp Time Balance.
If you want to add more than one Pay Policy, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the Add Pay Policy window open. Or click Save to save the policy and return to the main form.
Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Pay Policy.
Find the record you want to copy values from and click Copy.
Modify the settings you want to change.
You can have multiple Pay Policies with the same Pay Group Name, as long as the effective dates (Start Date, End Date) are different.
If you want to duplicate the Pay Policy more than once, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the Copy Pay Policy window open. Or click Save to save the policy and return to the main form.
When you copy a Pay Policy, the records in the Events, Event Types, and Hours Class tabs will also be duplicated.
Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Pay Policy.
Find the record you want to change and click Modify.
Modify the values.
Click Save.
Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Pay Policy.
Find the record you want to delete and click Delete.
Click OK to confirm the action.