The Clock Policy form is used to configure Clock Policy rules for time-related activities, such as Automatic Clock Out. Each Clock Policy defines how clock-outs are handled. The Clock Policy also contains the rules for automatic clock ins.
This policy can be assigned to a single Employee/Person via the Employee Setting form, to an Employee Group with type POLICY_GROUP or FACILITY via the Employee Group Setting form, or to all users via the System Settings form. An Employee setting overrides an Employee Group setting, which overrides a System Setting. See Settings Precedence for more details.
See Also:
Clock Policy Field Descriptions
Find, Add, Modify, Delete, or Copy a Clock Policy
Clk Out Affects Sign - Examples
Clock Group
Name of the Clock Policy.
Description of the Clock Policy.
Start Date, End Date
Dates when the Clock Policy is in effect.
This option allows employees to be clocked in automatically when they start a labor. Automatic clock in will occur on the client terminal, web timecard (Add Punch), and Web Time Clock.
Automatic clock in will occur for the following event types: LABOR, ATTENDANCE:MEAL, and ATTENDANCE:BREAK.
When a supervisor is using Add Punch, automatic clock in will occur if the employee’s Clock Policy has Auto Clock In Option set to Mandatory or Optional.
Select Mandatory, Optional, or None. When you select Mandatory or Optional, you also have to select an Auto Clock In Event (see below).
Mandatory: Automatic clock in will occur when an employee starts an activity (work order, project, meal, etc.). When an employee is clocked out and scans their badge (or clicks Add Punch in the web timecard), the employee will not see the Clock In option in the menu. Instead, the employee will have to choose an event to start. When the employee posts the event successfully, a clock in event will automatically be posted along with it. The clock in event and the labor event will have the same start time.
Optional: The employee will have the option of clocking in manually or automatically. When an employee is clocked out and scans their badge (or clicks Add Punch in the web timecard), the employee will see the Clock In option in the menu along with the other events (work order, project, etc.). If the employee selects the Clock In option, the employee will be clocked in normally. If the employee selects an event to post, a clock in event will automatically be posted along with it. The automatic clock in event and the labor event will have the same start time.
None: The employee will have to clock in manually. When an employee is clocked out and scans their badge (or clicks Add Punch in the web timecard), the employee will see the Clock In option in the menu. The employee will have to clock in before starting another event.
If a terminal is offline, it will present all the available menu options at once, regardless of the employee’s Auto Clock In setting. If the employee is configured for Mandatory Automatic Clock In, and the employee chooses the Clock In event instead of starting a labor or other event, the Clock In event will fail. However, if the employee starts the labor without manually clocking in, an automatic clock in will post with the labor start when the terminal comes back online.
Auto Clock In Event
When Auto Clock In Option is set to Mandatory or Optional, you need to specify which event will be posted for the automatic clock in. The available options are events with type ATTENDANCE:CLOCK that have no visible prompts.
Sch OT ClockOut
This determines the timestamp of an automatic clock out that is posted by the ATTENDANCE service for a pre-shift or post-shift Overtime Schedule. Overtime Schedules are configured on the Properties tab of the schedule forms or when an overtime offer is authorized.
The ATTENDANCE service will check to see if the current time is after the end time of the assigned Overtime Schedule plus the Max Missing Clk Out hours. If this condition is met, the service will post an automatic clock out. The timestamp of the automatic clock out will be based on one of the settings below.
At Schedule End: The timestamp of the automatic clock out will be the end time of the assigned Overtime Schedule.
At Last Activity: The timestamp of the automatic clock out will be the last recorded activity.
At Last Activity Plus 1 Second: The timestamp of the automatic clock out will be the last recorded activity plus one second.
If the person does not have a schedule on the date being processed, the ATTENDANCE service will check to see if the current time is after the last recorded activity plus the Max Missing Clk Out hours. If this condition is met, the service will post an automatic clock out. The timestamp of the automatic clock out will be the last recorded activity.
Gap OT ClockOut
This determines the timestamp of an automatic clock out that is posted by the ATTENDANCE service for a Gap Day Overtime Schedule. Overtime Schedules are configured on the Properties tab of the schedule forms or when an overtime offer is authorized.
The ATTENDANCE service will check to see if the current time is after the end time of the Gap Day Overtime Schedule plus the Max Missing Clk Out hours. If this condition is met, the service will post an automatic clock out. The timestamp of the automatic clock out will be based on one of the settings below.
At Schedule End: The timestamp of the automatic clock out will be the end time of the Gap Day Overtime Schedule.
At Last Activity: The timestamp of the automatic clock out will be the last recorded activity.
At Last Activity Plus 1 Second: The timestamp of the automatic clock out will be the last recorded activity plus one second.
If the person does not have a schedule on the date being processed, the ATTENDANCE service will check to see if the current time is after the last recorded activity plus the Max Missing Clk Out hours. If this condition is met, the service will post an automatic clock out. The timestamp of the automatic clock out will be the last recorded activity.
ClockOut Time
This determines the timestamp of an automatic clock out that is posted by the ATTENDANCE service for a non-overtime schedule. The ATTENDANCE service will check to see if the current time is after the scheduled end time plus the Max Missing Clk Out hours. If this condition is met, the service will post an automatic clock out. The timestamp of the automatic clock out will be based on one of the settings below.
At Schedule End: The timestamp of the automatic clock out will be the scheduled end time.
At Last Activity: The timestamp of the automatic clock out will be the last recorded activity.
At Last Activity Plus 1 Second: The timestamp of the automatic clock out will be the last recorded activity plus one second.
If the person does not have a schedule on the date being processed, the ATTENDANCE service will check to see if the current time is after the last recorded activity plus the Max Missing Clk Out hours. If this condition is met, the service will post an automatic clock out. The timestamp of the automatic clock out will be the last recorded activity.
Max Missing Clk Out
This is the number of hours past the employee's scheduled clock out time when the ATTENDANCE service will post the automatic clock out.
If the employee does not have a schedule, the ATTENDANCE service will post the automatic clock out this number of hours after the last recorded activity.
The timestamp of the automatic clock out will be based on the Sch OT ClockOut, Gap OT ClockOut, or ClockOut Time setting.
For example, a person is scheduled to work from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. He clocks in at 8 a.m. and stops his last labor at 3 p.m. He forgets to clock out and goes home.
In the Clock Policy, the ClockOut Time is At Last Activity and Max Missing Clk Out is set to 4.0 hours.
If the ATTENDANCE service runs at 6 p.m., the automatic clock out will not post because it has not been 4 hours since the end of the schedule. If the ATTENDANCE service runs at 8 p.m. or later, it will post the automatic clock out. The automatic clock out time will be the time of the last activity (in this case, 3 p.m.).
Clk Out Affects Sign
This indicates whether the AUTOMATIC_CLOCKOUT task of the ATTENDANCE Service will remove employee and supervisor signatures from the timecard. This setting only affects employees whose Sign Policy has the Sign Mode set to Always or Exception.
If Clk Out Affects Sign is selected, the timecard will be unsigned when the ATTENDANCE service posts an automatic clock out. By default, this check box is selected.
If Clk Out Affects Sign is not selected, the timecard will not be unsigned when the ATTENDANCE service posts an automatic clock out.
Note that the automatic clock out process may add supporting events, such as Early Departure or Bonus Hours, to the timecard. If Clk Out Affects Sign is not selected, the timecard signatures will not be removed even though the time on the timecard has changed because of these additional postings.
See Clk Out Affects Sign - Examples for more information.
Update Date, Updated By
These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.
To find a specific
Clock Policy, click the
Filter button at the top of the form to display the Clock Group filter
field. Select the policy you want to view, copy, delete, or modify and
click Find.
To add a new Clock Policy, click Add. Enter values in the fields and click Save.
You can modify all the fields in the Clock Policy except the Clock Group (the name of the Clock Policy). To do so, select the policy and click Modify.
You can copy a Clock Policy and save the duplicate with a new name. To do so, select the policy and click Copy. Change the Clock Group (the name of the Clock Policy), modify the other fields as necessary, and click Save.
You can delete a Clock Policy if it is not assigned to a Person, Person Group, or a System Setting.
Example 1:
Employee Joe Smith’s Sign Policy has the Sign Mode set to Always for both the EMPLOYEE and SUPERVISOR categories. In Joe’s Clock Policy, Clk Out Affects Sign is checked. Joe’s schedule is from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
At 4 p.m. on Friday, Joe stops his last labor but forgets to clock out. He signs his timecard for the week and goes home. At 4:30 p.m., Joe’s supervisor signs the timecard. At 8 p.m., the ATTENDANCE service runs and posts an automatic clock-out on Friday. As a result, both the employee and supervisor signatures are removed from the timecard.
Unfortunately, because Joe’s timecard is not signed, it does not get processed by payroll and Joe does not receive his pay check on time. To prevent this problem from happening again, Joe’s Clock Policy is modified and Clk Out Affects Sign is now unchecked.
The next Friday, Joe again forgets to clock out, signs his timecard, and goes home. His supervisor also signs the timecard. The ATTENDANCE service runs and posts an automatic clock-out. However, because Clk Out Affects Sign is now unchecked, the employee and supervisor signatures will not be removed from the timecard. Joe’s timecard gets processed by payroll and Joe gets paid on time.
Example 2:
Employee Joe Smith (same as in Example 1) now has Clk Out Affects Sign unchecked in his Clock Policy. His Clock Policy also has the following settings:
Sch OT ClockOut = At Last Activity
Gap OT ClockOut = At Last Activity
ClockOut Time = At Last Activity
Joe starts a labor at 3 p.m. but forgets to stop it. He also forgets to clock out. He signs his timecard and leaves.
The ATTENDANCE service runs at 3 p.m. It stops the open labor and posts the 3:30 clock out. It then posts an Early Departure event from 3 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Because Clk Out Affects Sign is not checked, the automatic clock out will not remove Joe’s timecard signature. The addition of the Early Departure event, which occurs after the automatic clock out, will also not remove the signature. As a result, Joe’s timecard will be processed normally for payroll even though he has an Early Departure event.
If Clk Out Affects Sign was checked, the automatic clock out and Early Departure event would have caused Joe’s signature to be removed from the timecard, and his timecard would not have been processed for payroll.