Set Up Expense

Use the Expense Setup forms to make decisions about how employee expense reports will be tracked.

Each of the setup forms focuses on a different area.

Form Description
Summary This form shows you all of the work that you have done on the other forms.
Options Use this form to make basic decisions about how employee expense reports will work, including whether employees can enter advances on their expense reports and whether an employee signature is required. See the Expense Reports help topic for more information.
Groups Use this form to set up expense groups to distribute expense report administration responsibilities among different administrators. For example, you can use expense groups to bring together employees who share the same job function, work in the same department, or work in the same office. After you set up an expense group, you can assign employees to it.
Categories Use this form to specify that certain common expense categories, such as hotels, meals, and airfare, should display automatically on expense reports, along with the correct accounting and billing information.

You can have an expense category display on expense reports for all employees or for only those who belong to specific expense groups. See the Expense Categories help topic for more information.

Payments Use this form to determine the format of employee expense checks and remittance advices, as well as the bank account that they will be drawn upon unless a different bank is chosen.
Approvals Use this form to determine if you will use an approval workflow to have leaders approve employee expense reports. You can choose among several different workflow options. See the Approvals Center help area for more information about approval workflows.