Consultant Accruals
Budget consultant expenses, post accruals for those consultants, and then generate a report.
With Consultant Accruals you can:
- Calculate accrual amounts based on budget, estimate-to-completion (ETC) or estimate-at-completion (EAC) amounts
- Post accruals as they are generated
- Suppress billing
- Update percent completes; you can drill down to compensation and billed detail
- Send reports to a process server for printing
- Save report settings
- Select accounts singly, by account range, or by project
Before you use consultant accruals, you must first establish your budget parameters in Accounting Settings.
If you use multiple companies, you run consultant accruals for all of the projects in your company, rather than for all the projects in your database (the entire enterprise).
If you use multiple currencies, the transaction currency of each reference is stored as project currency in the journal entry file. The journal entry file reference number or posting log includes the project currency code. A credit entry is created in the journal entry file for each debit entry line.