Read (GET) Invoices

Use this API to read invoices from the Transactions Center. Invoices are sent to clients. If you use Billing, DPS automatically creates an invoice file.

To get invoice transaction data:

Execute a GET command on the endpoint {{url}}/ledger/IN.

For example, here is a request submitted using cURL:

curl --request GET \
  --url 'https://{{url}}/ledger/IN' \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer {{oauth_token}}' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \

A successful GET returns the JSON representation of the invoice transaction data, for example:

        "Period": 201601,
        "PostSeq": 59,
        "PKey": "570681512013",
        "WBS1": "",
        "WBS2": "",
        "WBS3": "",
        "Account": "111.00",
        "Org": "00",
        "TransType": "IN",
        "SubType": "",
        "RefNo": "Auto   ",
        "TransDate": "2018-01-30T00:00:00.000",
        "Desc1": "Invoice Posting",
        "Desc2": "Posting Run 59",
        "Amount": 500,
        "CBAmount": 0,
        "BillExt": 0,
        "ProjectCost": "N",
        "AutoEntry": "Y",
        "SuppressBill": "N",
        "BillStatus": "",
        "SkipGL": "N",
        "BankCode": "",
        "Invoice": "",
        "InvoiceSection": "",
        "Employee": "",
        "Vendor": "",
        "Line": 0,
        "PartialPayment": 0,
        "Discount": 0,
        "Voucher": "",
        "BilledWBS1": "",
        "BilledWBS2": "",
        "BilledWBS3": "",
        "BilledInvoice": "",
        "BilledPeriod": 0,
        "Unit": "",
        "UnitTable": "",
        "UnitQuantity": 0,
        "UnitCostRate": 0,
        "UnitBillingRate": 0,
        "UnitBillExt": 0,
        "XferWBS1": "",
        "XferWBS2": "",
        "XferWBS3": "",
        "XferAccount": "",
        "TaxCode": "",
        "TaxBasis": 0,
        "TaxCBBasis": 0,
        "BillTaxCodeOverride": "",
        "WrittenOffPeriod": 0,
        "TransactionAmount": 500,
        "TransactionCurrencyCode": " ",
        "ExchangeInfo": "",
        "AmountProjectCurrency": 0,
        "ProjectExchangeInfo": "",
        "AmountBillingCurrency": 0,
        "BillingExchangeInfo": "",
        "AutoEntryAmount": 0,
        "AutoEntryExchangeInfo": "",
        "AutoEntryOrg": "",
        "AutoEntryAccount": "",
        "AmountSourceCurrency": 0,
        "SourceExchangeInfo": "",
        "PONumber": "",
        "UnitCostRateBillingCurrency": 0,
        "LinkCompany": "",
        "LinkWBS1": "",
        "LinkWBS2": "",
        "LinkWBS3": "",
        "BillTax2CodeOverride": "",
        "GainsAndLossesType": "",
        "AmountTaxCurrency": 0,
        "CBAmountTaxCurrency": 0,
        "TaxBasisTaxCurrency": 0,
        "TaxCBBasisTaxCurrency": 0,
        "TaxBasisFunctionalCurrency": 0,
        "TaxCBBasisFunctionalCurrency": 0,
        "DiscountFunctionalCurrency": 0,
        "ModUser": "",
        "AuthorizedBy": "",
        "RealizationAmountEmployeeCurrency": 0,
        "RealizationAmountProjectCurrency": 0,
        "RealizationAmountBillingCurrency": 0,
        "NonBill": "",
        "CreditMemoRefNo": "",
        "OriginalAmountSourceCurrency": 0,
        "OriginalPaymentCurrencyCode": "",
        "InProcessAccount": "N",
        "InProcessAccountCleared": "N",
        "EKOriginalLine": 0,
        "InvoiceStatus": "",
        "OriginatingVendor": "",
        "Diary": "",
        "DiaryNo": 0,
        "CreditCardPrimaryCode": "",
        "CreditCardCode": "",
        "CreditCardPKey": "",
        "TransferredPeriod": 0,
        "TransferredBillStatus": "",
        "PreInvoice": "",
        "EquipmentID": "",
        "BookCode": "",
        "EmOrg": "",
        "LastPSAExportDate": ""