Read (GET) Transaction

Use this API to read transactions of a specified transaction type.

To get transaction data by transaction type:

Execute a GET command on the endpoint {{url}}/ledger/{{TransType}} where TransType is the transaction type for the records you want to read. Use the following transaction type values. For full descriptions, see Accounting Transactions APIs:
Transaction Type Value Description

Accounts Payable AP Vouchers

See Read (GET) AP Vouchers for an example.

Accounts Payable AP Payment Process

See Read (GET) AP Payments for an example.

Accounts Payable AP Disbursements

See Read (GET) AP Disbursements for an example.

Cash Receipts

See Read (GET) Cash Receipts for an example.

Employee Payment Process

See Read (GET) Employee Payments for an example.

Employee Expenses

See Read (GET) Employee Expenses for an example.


See Read (GET) Invoices for an example.

Journal Entries

See Read (GET) Journal Entries for an example.

Unit Transactions

See Read (GET) Unit Transactions for an example.

For example, here is a request submitted using cURL:

curl --request GET \
  --url 'https://{{url}}/ledger/CR' \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer {{oauth_token}}' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \

A successful GET returns the JSON representation of the specified transaction data, for example, one cash receipt object by using CR as the transaction type variable:

        "Period": 0,
        "PostSeq": 0,
        "PKey": "2930",
        "WBS1": "2000002.00",
        "WBS2": " ",
        "WBS3": " ",
        "Account": "111.00",
        "Org": "BO:BO:AR",
        "TransType": "CR",
        "SubType": "X",
        "RefNo": "Convert",
        "TransDate": "1993-01-01T00:00:00.000",
        "Desc1": "MCFMS Conversion",
        "Desc2": "",
        "Amount": -5454.72,
        "CBAmount": 0,
        "BillExt": 0,
        "ProjectCost": "N",
        "AutoEntry": "N",
        "SuppressBill": "Y",
        "BillStatus": "N",
        "SkipGL": "N",
        "BankCode": "",
        "Invoice": "",
        "InvoiceSection": "",
        "Employee": "",
        "Vendor": "",
        "Line": 0,
        "PartialPayment": 0,
        "Discount": 0,
        "Voucher": "",
        "BilledWBS1": "",
        "BilledWBS2": "",
        "BilledWBS3": "",
        "BilledInvoice": "",
        "BilledPeriod": 0,
        "Unit": "",
        "UnitTable": "",
        "UnitQuantity": 0,
        "UnitCostRate": 0,
        "UnitBillingRate": 0,
        "UnitBillExt": 0,
        "XferWBS1": "",
        "XferWBS2": "",
        "XferWBS3": "",
        "XferAccount": "",
        "TaxCode": "",
        "TaxBasis": 0,
        "TaxCBBasis": 0,
        "BillTaxCodeOverride": "",
        "WrittenOffPeriod": 0,
        "TransactionAmount": -5454.72,
        "TransactionCurrencyCode": "USD",
        "ExchangeInfo": "",
        "AmountProjectCurrency": -5454.72,
        "ProjectExchangeInfo": "",
        "AmountBillingCurrency": -5454.72,
        "BillingExchangeInfo": "",
        "AutoEntryAmount": 0,
        "AutoEntryExchangeInfo": "",
        "AutoEntryOrg": "",
        "AutoEntryAccount": "",
        "AmountSourceCurrency": -5454.72,
        "SourceExchangeInfo": "",
        "PONumber": "",
        "UnitCostRateBillingCurrency": 0,
        "LinkCompany": "",
        "LinkWBS1": "",
        "LinkWBS2": "",
        "LinkWBS3": "",
        "BillTax2CodeOverride": "",
        "GainsAndLossesType": "",
        "AmountTaxCurrency": 0,
        "CBAmountTaxCurrency": 0,
        "TaxBasisTaxCurrency": 0,
        "TaxCBBasisTaxCurrency": 0,
        "TaxBasisFunctionalCurrency": 0,
        "TaxCBBasisFunctionalCurrency": 0,
        "ModUser": "",
        "AuthorizedBy": "",
        "DiscountFunctionalCurrency": 0,
        "RealizationAmountEmployeeCurrency": 0,
        "RealizationAmountProjectCurrency": 0,
        "RealizationAmountBillingCurrency": 0,
        "NonBill": "",
        "CreditMemoRefNo": "",
        "OriginalAmountSourceCurrency": 0,
        "OriginalPaymentCurrencyCode": "",
        "InProcessAccount": "N",
        "InProcessAccountCleared": "N",
        "InvoiceStatus": "",
        "EKOriginalLine": 0,
        "OriginatingVendor": "",
        "Diary": "",
        "DiaryNo": 0,
        "CreditCardPrimaryCode": "",
        "CreditCardCode": "",
        "CreditCardPKey": "",
        "TransferredPeriod": 0,
        "TransferredBillStatus": "",
        "PreInvoice": "",
        "EquipmentID": "",
        "BookCode": "",
        "EmOrg": "",
        "LastPSAExportDate": ""