Enter Planned Hours in Calendar Period Columns in Project Planning

To enter planned hours for resources for specific calendar periods (days, weeks, or months) on the Labor tab on the Projects form, select the project, expand the work breakdown structure (WBS) to display the WBS level or resources for which you want to enter hours, and enter the hours in the appropriate calendar period fields.

To enter planned hours for calendar periods:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Hubs > Projects.
  2. Select the project for which you want to enter hours.
  3. Switch the Project/Plan toggle to Plan.
  4. On the Actions bar, click Other Actions > Check Out.
  5. Click the Labor tab.
  6. If Show is set to Amounts, select Hours instead.
  7. Expand the WBS to display the WBS elements or resources for which you which you want to enter hours. You can enter hours for any WBS element at any level of the tree structure, or you can enter hours for individual resources.
  8. Click the assignment row to display the entry fields, and enter the hours in the calendar period fields. If you enter hours for a parent WBS element rather than for a resource, DPS allocates those hours to each lower-level WBS row and to the assigned resources.

    As you make entries in calendar period columns, columns in the middle section of the grid that contain calculated values based on the calendar period entries, such as planned cost and billing amounts, are not updated immediately. Instead, DPS displays those values with a strikethrough to indicate that they are no longer current. When you move to another grid row or otherwise move off of the current row, all grid cells with out-of-date values are automatically recalculated, and the strikethrough removed.