Specify Cost and Billing Rates for Plans

To specify the budget type, the cost and billing rate methods, tables, and multipliers, and other settings to use for the currently selected project plan, display the Plan Settings dialog box. When you save the settings, DPS recalculates all labor cost and billing amounts, expense billing amounts, and consultant billing amounts based on the current rate settings.

To specify rate information that is used to calculate planned cost and/or billing amounts:
  1. In the Navigation pane, select Hubs > Projects.
  2. Select the project for which you want to enter rate information.
  3. Switch the Project/Plan toggle to Plan.
  4. On the Actions bar, click Other Actions > Plan Settings.

    If the plan is not already checked out to you, this action automatically checks it out.

  5. On the General tab, select the budget type for the plan.
  6. On the Labor, Expenses, and Consultants tabs of the Plan Settings dialog box, specify the rate methods, rate tables, and multipliers that you want to use to calculate plan amounts.
  7. Click Save.
  8. When a message displays asking you to confirm that you want to save your entries, click Yes.

    The settings are saved, and all planned amounts are recalculated based on the current settings.