Add a Labor Code to a Cost Pay Labor Code Table

You can add a new labor code or labor code mask and associated labor rate information to a cost/pay labor code table.

To add a labor code or labor code mask to a cost/paylabor code table:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > Rate Tables > Cost/Pay Labor Code.
  2. Select a cost/pay labor code table for which you want to add new labor code and rate information.
  3. In the Labor Codes grid, click + Add Labor Code Rate. The Labor Codes grid displays a new row.
  4. In the new row, click to search for a labor code mask in the Labor Code Lookup dialog box. Choose from the available options to form a labor code, or combination of valid labor code characters and wildcard characters. The wildcard is an underscore (_). For example, if your company uses four-digit labor codes, and you want to charge a specific code to all labor codes with a 2 as the second level, enter _2__.

    For information on the Labor Code Lookup dialog box, see the Contents of the Labor Code Lookup Dialog Box.

  5. Click Select.
  6. Fill in the description details and enter the rate you want to pay for the rendered work that uses the labor code.
  7. Optional. If you use effective dates for billing rates, enter a date in the Effective Date field for each row that you insert on the grid.
  8. When you are done, click on another row in the grid. DPS prompts if the new row has been added successfully. Otherwise, a message appears on top of the Employees grid with the error details.